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Chapter Three


Morality apart from the Bible is really a misnomer. As is seen by studying philosophy, there is no real reason for morality of any sort without there being a God and being accountable to Him. So any attempt at speaking about the morality (or immorality) of abortion is vain, apart from the Bible.

As will be seen so many times in this chapter, the pro-abortionist or at least the man or woman who claims neutrality on the abortion issue, will claim that the mothers RIGHTS are violated by making the poor darling go through with an "unwanted" pregnancy. This is their focal point, the desires of the mother. Hedonism is so rampant today that, as the Bible correctly states, they are "without natural affection ... and lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God."' In what age would it be thought by God's people that to kill the unborn child is anything less than murder? We have lived to see the day that so-called Christian leaders and godly "Christians" are saying that abortion (murder) is justifiable and no more than an appendectomy. Abe Lincoln once asked a man, "How many legs would a sheep have if you called his tail a leg?" The man replied, "Five." Lincoln said, "No, the sheep would still have only four legs because no matter how often you call a tail a leg it never becomes one." This is the tactic of the pro-abortionist, to call a baby a fetus, embryo, blob, and other things.

In his book Abortion the American Holocaust, Kent Kelly gives the attitude of the Supreme Court, in its decision in Roe vs. Wade., He states,

"The court refused to touch the question of when life begins, but clearly approved the undeniably religious belief that life does not begin at conception. Such a conclusion is drawn from faith in the evolutionary process, as well as a decidedly antagonistic view toward the Biblical concept of life."

He quotes another new version of the Declaration of Independence,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal in the third trimester. That they are endowed by the evolutionary process with certain inalienable rights depending on their viability as a human being. That among these are the right to death so long as it occurs before the deadline; liberty, if the mother and physician agree; and the pursuit of happiness should they not be one of the 'Victims of Abortion - The American Holocaust."

So in this the third chapter, dealing with the moral issues surrounding abortion",we will not revert, as the proabortionist does, to semantic arguments, about the "viability of the fetus" or the "personhood of the embryo," but will use Bible terms such as "child" or "babe" or derivatives of those.


The first of the real bad boogy bears we will tackle is the "UNWANTED CHILD." Let me say this from my own experience as an adoptive parent, who has researched thoroughly the adoption process, THERE ARE NO UNWANTED CHILDREN. Someone wants them, as is evident from the seven-year waiting lists at most adoption agencies. You say, "'What about the crippled or retarded?"

We'll get to those, but right now we will be dealing with the largest group, by far, of the aborted babies, therapeutic abortions. Which translates into, "I just don't want to be pregnant right now."

We quote again,

"An unwanted pregnancy is the early months does not necessarily mean an unwanted baby after delivery. Dr. Edward Lenoski of the University of California has conclusively shown that 90% of battered children were planned pregnancies."

Now who is kidding whom? The 'argument is really preposterous. Some of these planned children who are so egotistical that they actually think they can control their own environment. When the baby comes, they f ind out how wrong they really are. The baby is not always logical or reasonable!! They're unwanted because of their poor condition is really absurd, especially in America, the socialist state! And are you really thinking of the little darling? If so, why kill him?

Kelly again states it well that when he says-,

"If it is a greater tragedy to be poor and unwanted than to be dead, we have much work to do on the present population. A child in the womb is not conscious of being poor or unwanted. Hundreds of thousands of children living outside the womb are feeling the effects of these conditions every day. Surely, the reasonable course of action would be to begin with actual suffering instead of potential suffering. Of course, it is true that these suffering children have lived outside the womb for a while, but what possible difference could a few months make if the true tragedy is to be poor or unwanted? It should make no difference to those whose reasoning is on the brink of insanity."

Amen and Amen!!

Pro-abortionist Martha Willing states the opposing view,

In South Korea, which has always accepted infanticide, abortion and sale of children, American aid attempts to forbid these natural responses to poverty ... " What a puddin' head "NATURAL RESPONSES!!??" When is selling or killing your child a natural response? Have you done that when the electric bill is too high?? I can speak with somewhat of an authoritarian view concerning her statement on Korea. I lived there for about one year I'll bet that's longer than her, and I did see the sale of babies, the deforming of children by their own parents in order to make them better beggars. I've seen young girls sold to Momma Sans to be brought up to be her prostitutes. So what does that have to do with killing babies? If they do it, that means we can too? Is that what you're getting at, woman (I would say lady but can't get myself to insult the few real ladies there are left in this country)?

Now Ms? Willing(?) goes on to say,

"So long as medicines and vaccines and techniques save life, we praise ourselves and play God by interfering with natural events ... We refuse to decide whom to let die quietly and whom to prevent from being born."

Now there is a good piece of lunacy!! We are playing God by trying to save lives but she is not by killing them?? Yeah, woman, sure, we believe you!! Your preventing people from being born is not like us "old Bible totin' Funnymentalists," is it? If you noticed in her statements she is not averse to infanticide or euthanasia, which means you old geezers better look out!

This woman is not alone in her stupidy; in Denmark in 1956 under the Pregnancy Act,

"Abortion where the woman was judged unfit to take proper care of her child. Of the latter indication, Skalts and Norgaard say that " it is a social indication, it being the interests of the child, not the woman herself, that are safeguarded:

Now, there you have it, "kiddo" we are killing you for your own good, your mom can't buy you everything you want and you won't have Van Hausen or Jordache shirts to wear so you'd be better off DEADII If you think I have strained the point then you haven't read much. The mentality, (or should I say, lack of mentality) of these yoyo's is the norm and not the exception. After all, if there is no God, according to most of them, and you are just a product of evolution, then what's all the fuss about? If you're just an animal anyway, then let's do whatever makes us feel good!!

If that wasn't enough, here we go again, in Hungary in a 1956 law...

"Provides that requests for abortion be directed to a three member committee whose chairman is a doctor. The committee, however, can function only as a rubber stamp, for it must approve the abortion, 'if the applicant insists.'"

Let's have a committee to make sure we don't kill any babies, huh?? America isn't the only knot-head country around, is it?

Next we will look at the terrible menace to society, the (oh heaven!!) the retarded child!"


Surely now, if the kid is not going to be perfectly normal, let's say with at least an IQ of 190 then he would be better off dead, wouldn't YOU!!? We quote again from someone who works in this field,

"Though it may be common and fashionable to believe that the malformed enjoys life less than the normal, this appears to lack both empirical and theoretical support."

That was from a Psychiatrist, now let's see what a mother of Down's Syndrome child has to say,

"A mother of a Down's Syndrome child Ms. Delahoyde devotes herself to fighting against infant euthanasia and abortion. She explains her belief that in modern society, everything is geared toward perfection. Some think that death might be the best option for some handicapped children because they think real people are 'normal' people. "

The crux of the matter is as the woman earlier put it, "they are trying to play God." They want to decide what is "quality life" and "who should live or die.', Undeniably there are times when terrible decisions have to be made, but these are the exceptions by far in the abortion issue.

These few exceptions are brought to the fore by the pro abortionist to agitate the feelings of the general public into agreeing with them to let several million normal babies be murdered at the whim of (for the most part)- fornicating whores. The same ones who are advocating the murder of infants on the ground that they are unwanted and will be a drain on society, are against executing convicted murderers and rapists who cost the American taxpayer millions of dollars a year to house and entertain them. As Bro. Roloff said, "America is an insane asylum run by the inmates."


The next "pig in the poke,' is the incidence of rape and resultant pregnancy. This is used as a good scare tactic, it goes something like this, "Yeah, you say your against abortion, but wait till your wife or little girl gets raped and gets pregnant, then we'll see how you feel?" Then I am supposed to say, "Oh my, yes, by all means deary, go ahead and kill 1,500,000 kids-that will fix everything !"

Even in the unlikely event that someone does rape your wife or girl, and in the even unlikelier event that they become pregnant, why do you think killing an unborn baby will cure everything? Yes, rape is a terrible thing, a lot of people go through terrible things every day, unfair things. But as I said before, what has that got to do with murdering an unborn child? If it is established that the unborn is a human being, and it has, Biblically and Biologically, then why kill an innocent third party?

But let's read a few facts, shall we? F.D. Mecklenburg, M.D. states,

"Although frequently cited by pro-abortionists, pregnancies resulting from rape are so rare as to be virtually non-existent. There are several contributing factors to this. In addition to the pure mathematical odds against pregnancy resulting f rom a single random act, medical research indicates that an extremely high percentage of woman exposed to severe emotional trauma will not ovulate. The rape itself, therefore acts as a psychological 'birth control.'"

And add to this the statistics of births due to rape, and you will find that statutory rape is usually included. Statutory rape is usually not forcible rape. Any girl seventeen or younger who has had intercourse can be classified as having been raped. The idea being, she was too young to give legitimate consent. A study done by J. Kuchera for the Journal of the American Medical Association states,

"A scientific study of 1,000 cases of rape treated medically right after the rape results in zero cases of pregnancy."

There you have it, like a dead dog in your front yard, facts are facts. Rape is not an issue, nor should it be an issue of much importance when discussing the abortion question.


Let's go on to some of the other arguments from hysteria. We will be quoting from Dr. Bernard Nathanson, whom we've already quoted from. He is an atheist and a Jew. He had performed or had performed under his supervision at least 75,000 abortions. He is now a pro-life Advocate. He covers several topics in this particular quote, it will be left in tact so that the reader can get a clearer perspective of what he is saying, we now quote from Dr. Nathanson,

"Those who classify a fetus as 'mere tissue' are using a line of argumentation which is 'biological nonsense,' unworthy of the people who have advocated it."

Concerning the "woman and her doctor theory"-the view that they alone should decide on abortion. He quotes another author who says,

"Abortion is no more a medical issue because doctors do it then is capital punishment a matter of electrical engineering because an electric chair is used."

He speaks of the "unwanted child" syndrome,

"If anything, the statistical reports would lead one to conclude that liberal abortion laws, not strict ones, foster child abuse... Child abuse has risen noticeably since abortion was legalized, and so have illegitimate births, despite the availability of abortion as an alternative ... If a fetus is carried to term it will be "unwanted" only for the nine months between conception and birth. It need never be 'unwanted' because of the hopeless shortage of babies available for the long list of childless couples who earnestly want to adopt them."

Of the "coat hanger" argument. He admits that back-alley abortion was one of his early motivations in the pro-abortion cause.

Now pay attention to his comments here:

"In the moment we generally emphasized the drama of the individual case, not the mass statistics; but when we spoke of the latter, it was always 5,000 to 10,000 deaths a year. I confess I knew the figures were totally false, and I suppose the others did too if they stopped to think of it. But in the 'morality' of our revolution, it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out of our way to correct it with honest statistics?"

He goes on to give the correct figures,

"... In 1967 before abortion was legalized, the federal government listed only 160 deaths from illegal abortion. In 1972, the last year before the U.S. Supreme decision opened the abortion door, there was a total of 39 deaths f rom illegal abortions. Certainly, even 39 women are important among the tens of millions in America. But it is absolute insanity even for the guardians of our "human resources"-to shout for the lives of 39 women in 1972 and say nothing of the lives of 1,500,000 babies murdered in 1980. There are more than that who die from "legal" abortions now!"

Dr. Nathanson speaks to the issue of "cost benefit." He ref ers to the view championed by Washington that it is cheaper for society to destroy babies at $100 apiece by abortion than to take responsibility for aiding poor woman and children. He says,

"Are we supposed to consider such pragmatism of fetus elimination to be liberal and humanitarian? ... This may be good politics but it is hardly exemplar social morality. It reeks of the Pentagon's 'body count' thinking of the Viet Nam era. Certain human issues are too grave to be handled in this way and must be shielded from a cost-effectiveness theory. Abortion is one of them."

Those are the views of Dr. Bernard Nathanson, M.D., former director of the world's largest abortion clinic, founder of the most effective pro-abortion movement in America, supervisor of the deaths of 75,000 human beings. He ought to know what he is talking about, shouldn't he?


Another argument for killings kids is that it represents the "Womans Right to Choose." I believe in freedom alright, but not when it causes the needless death of another. Some women want their own way so much that they will kill to get it.

Mr. Kent Kelly states concerning this,

"In many circles, feminists rally to the Pro-abortion cause as another expression of women's rights."

This, again, is an argument from the brink of insanity. If the true cause is the glory of womanhood, why is it selective women's rights instead of protecting all women equally? Since the Supreme Court abortion decision of 1973, an average of 80,000 women in each of the 50 states will never have the right to choose anything. That many female babies have been murdered in their mothers, wombs. Eighty thousand militant feminists in each state in the Union could rock the political world on any subject. However, the truth of the matter is that if all those little ladies could be brought back to life, they would not support abortion as representing a woman's right to choose."


Another argument given is that a majority of Americans favor abortion. That is debateable. But even if it is true, so what?? Do we hinge our right to live on the vote of the America public??

Kent Kelly states,

"If the right to life may be eliminated on the basis of public sentiment, then any other right may be taken away by majority decision. No right is more basic. No right is more obvious. Only someone on the brink of insanity would want his right to live put to a vote of the majority."


Another argument is the "Population Explosion Myth., Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. states,

"Today we constantly hear about the suffering people of an overly crowded India.. While there is little doubt that many people in India do suffer from a lack of food, this is not necessarily because of the number of people inhabiting that vast land. India had less people per square mile than England, West Germany or Taiwan ... There is actually not a 'population problem' as such today, as all the people of the world could fit side-by-side into Greater Jacksonville, Florida. What we do have is a problem of food distribution and the availability of natural resources."

Nick Eberstadt of Harvard's Center for Population Studies found that...

"The world's population growth peaked at 1.9 per cent around 1970 and is now down to 1.7 per cent. In Western Europe the growth rate has dropped 50%, in North America 30%, in China 30%, and in India 10% Interestingly, demographer Donald Bogue in a Population Reference Bureau paper estimated that only 4.7% of the decline in the world fertility rate could be attributed to family planning efforts. Currently, the U.S. fertility rate is 1.7 (a rate of 2.1 is necessary merely to maintain a population replacement level) . And the decline in fertility in this country is most pronounced among blacks, American Indians and Mexican-Americans (25% of native American women have been sterilized with monies earmarked by treaty agreements for medical needs, and 35% of all Puerto Rican women have been sterilized).

What this dramatic decline in the fertility rate means is that in the not too distant future, there will be a disproportionate number of elderly compared to the number of youth. Because this will place a tremendous economic burden upon the non-elderly to care for our older citizens, there will be a growing advocacy for euthanasia."


The next argument is the call to "Save the Mother!" This argument is used as a call for abortion, when it really is a matter of survival of any. The logic (or illogic) of the baby killers goes something like this,

"If the issue is right-to-life, who has a right to live? Why is the mother more important? If God determines destiny and He chooses to have the child live and the mother die, who are you to intervene? "

The argument is one of sarcasm. The real way it is put is, "Surely you Bible-toters accept abortion when the woman's life is in danger."

Note the way they put it, in danger. We quote again from someone who deals with this on a regular basis. Dr. Joseph P. Donnelly was former medical director of Margaret Hague Hospital in New Jersey. From 1947 to 1961, there were 115,000 deliveries at his maternity hospital with no abortions. Dr. Donnelly says:

"Abortion is never necessary to save the life of the mother's."

All of these physicians work daily with delivery of babies, they have "hands on" experience. They know more of what they are talking about than a bunch of quacks who make a living off of killing babies! The "Save the Mother" syndrome has been used by pro-abortionist as a tool to generate sentiment in favor of lax abortion laws. There may be a one in a million case, in which case the thing to do is to try and save both. If it is impossible, then do all you can to save the mother Why? As I said before, if the mother dies, they both die!!


Another nonsensical platitude given by the baby killers is that it reduces diseases The little darling might be prone to cancer, heart disease, or some other diseases So let's rub him out! These types of arguments border on complete stupidity. If we aborted every baby that "might" come up with a disease, who would be left?

Dr. Hymie Gorden, Chairman of the Dept. of Medical Genetics Mayo Clinic, Minnesota says,

"Talk about breeding out genetic diseases is a lot of nonsense. Seriously affected persons are unlikely to marry and have children; the genes are passed along by carriers. For instance, there are 40 carriers for every person with sickle cell anemia ... if every victim of this disease were eliminated, it would require 750 years just to cut the incidence in half; to stamp it out altogether would require 200,000 abortions for every 500,000 couples. Because each 'normal'person is the carrier of three of four bad genes, the only way to eliminate genetic diseases would be to sterilize or abort everybody."

It is absurd to see what extent these hedonists will go to get what they want. It is reminiscent of dealing with politicians. If they can't dazzle you with wit, they baffle you with bull.

Let's continue with more of the latter from the looney bin. They say it is just a good method of birth control. Why, no fake Jake? Ain't you the brilliant one? If you kill people off, you'll have less people! Now, there are many reasons given for controlling the population: not enough food, can't afford them, don't want them, and so on. Dr. Lewis L. Bock, Chief of the Personal Health Section State Division of Health Services, Releigh, N.C., says,

"Our abortion statistics show that people are choosing this as a major form of birth control. That to me, as a physician and a person, is barbaric. The major tragedy is that it is the affluent and middle class people who are looking to abortion as a birth control method."

This is enlightening, is it not? Those "poor ole black folk" shouldn't have to raise all them kids, So let's kill em off ! But, the truth is, it is the ones who CAN afford the kids who are having these kids killed just to keep from having them. COSMETIC ABORTION. "It might change my hormones and give me acne!!" How dreadfull!

To underscore it even further, Dr. C. Everett Koop. M.D., Surgeon General of the United States, and former Surgeon-in-Chief of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia says,

"When doctors are willing to become social executioners for millions of babies, we must examine what motives are used to justify their actions. Usually, reasons given include preserving the life of the mother, the expectation of a defective child, rape, and incest. Even if these were valid reasons, they would account for only 3% of all abortions. A full 97% of abortions occur for matters of convenience and economy."

Then what is the real reason for abortion? It's spelled M-0-N-E-Y. One of Dr. Nathanson's medical acquaintances earned $185,000 in eighteen months working ONLY ON THE WEEKENDS!! That was in 1979, you can imagine what it is now. In the yellow pages of Dallas, TX, abortion clinics are listed under "Birth Control. An investigation by the Chicago Tribune in 1978...

"Found many clinics in that city operating with 'doctors' who had no license to practice medicine. These people, in countless instances, were performing abortions on women who were not pregnant. This, of course, is not an example of 'murder for prof it, but the profit motive is much in evidence."

Now isn't that a new leaf to turn over. What they did was to give the young girl a pregnancy test, then tell them it is positive when it wasn't, then give them a fake "abortion" and charge them a bundle of dough !! Only in America! Barnum was right, "A sucker born every minute," they seem to be coming every second or so now days.

"Under United States law, unborn children have sued and been awarded damages for injuries from accidents (Torrigan v. Watertown News Co., 352 Mass. 446). Unborn children have inherited property, qualified for social security payments, and won damages after dying in the womb by means of suites filed in their behalf ("Abortion, the Practice of Medicine, and the Due Process of Law," UCLA Law Review 233, 1969). "Murder for fun" has no legal, logical, or moral leg to stand on."

Here's a good example of morality if you ever saw it.

" Perhaps the leading force in population control, however, is Planned Parenthood. Its Margaret Sanger advocated situational ethics and birth control 'to create a race of thoroughbreds' (BIRTH CONTROL REVIEW, November 1921). This forerunner of Hilter's eugenics movement also proclaimed that the most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it. (WOMEN AND THE NEW RACE). Today, Planned Parenthood does not use such forceful language, but rather more subtle terms, like advocating the need for "genetic counseling."

Planned Parenthood put out a supplement to FAMILY PLANNING PERSPECTIVES entitled, "Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility, by Universality or Selectivity of Impact:

Universal Impact-restructure family, encourage increased homosexuality, educate for family limitation, fertility control agents in the water supply, encourage women to work. Economic Impact-tax policies: marriage tax, child tax, additional on parents with more than one or two children in school. Social Impact-compulsory sterilization of all who have two children except for a few who would be allowed three, confine childbearing to A limited number of adults, stock certificate type permits f or children, discouragement of private home ownership, stop awarding public housing on the basis of family size. Measures Predicted on Existing Motivations-payment to encourage sterilization, abortion and contraception, along with allowing certain contraceptives to be distributed non-medically." That is what a mess of your and my tax money is going for right now. The Planned Parenthood Federation gets grants and subsidies from the government to carry out these and other programs. Such as the school based health.clinics, where a girl can go and get transportation to an abortion clinic, without parental knowledge or consent, having the abortion and return in the same day with no one knowing but a few of the school officials.

I will close this chapter by quoting a well known lecturer in medical schools. He "asked one of his classes what they would recommend in the following case:

"The father had syphillus.

"The mother had TB.

"They had four children already.

"One was blind.

"One was born dead.

"One was a deaf mute.

"One had TB.

"The mother was pregnant with her fifth child.

"Almost without exception, the medical students indicated that they would recommend abortion.

"The lecturer then stated, 'Congratulations! You have just killed BEETHOVEN!'"

Abortion is murder, pure and simple to all but the amoral. To all who have honestly looked at the facts, there is but one Biblical, Biological or Moral conclusion, and that is abortion is murder.

For those of you who are still skeptical, you should at least take the honest position of President Ronald Reagan, when he advocated, if you are not 100% sure that the baby in the womb is not a living human being, you are bound to be anti-abortion. The logic is simple, if it is not human, what have you done? If it is a human being and you abort him, what have you done? Amen.

"If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death -and those that are ready to be slain: if thou sayest, behold, we knew it not doth not He that ponddreth that heart consider it?"

There is no neutral ground.


We have seen Biblically that abortion is murder. The verse used by many in Exodus 21:22 is even more significant. If you look at the Hebrew word, yeled, that is the root word and ALWAYS means a birth, or of a young child which is alive: not of a miscarriage. This is interesting because of the garbage being spewed out about the Greek and the Hebrew being superior to the English. Such terms as "pneuma" and "ruach" are not to be considered when speaking intelligent Bible believers. The argument spun off from these words and their similarities is really futile indeed., Wind and air are not the same as spirit. How do I know? Easy, one is spelled a-i-r and the other is s-p-i-r-i-t, things that are different are not the same. The argument from 'air' is just that, out of thin air. In every case where life is associated with air, the Bible is speaking of a grown man or animal.

We have also seen where life is not always given for life in Exodus 21 and the other verses make it abundantly clear that the unborn "child," as the Bible calls him, is completely alive.

We have seen from science and biology that the unborn baby is completely alive.

Curtis Young states,

"Through the 1960's, the American Medical Association's strong opposition to abortion was transformed into equally strong support for the procedure."

It kind of reminds me of Dr. Jerry Falwell's strong militant stand on racial segregation and staying out of politics in his early years and his about face on these issues, not because of the changing of the Bible but due to popular feelings. Many who now favor abortions are not in favor because of Biblical facts or because of biological facts but rather because of situation ethics. "What if it happened to your daughter?? Biology, as we have seen over and over substantiates the facts that life begins At conception. There are no other alternatives.

Morally we have seen the positions of so many who are not interested in whether the baby is alive or not. And most will even admit this. Their interest is in themselves. Betty Friedman of NOW (National Organization for Women) states,

"Women are not equal to men unless they are rid of child bearing responsibilities."

Along with this nut is another psychiatrist R. F. Gardner who says,

"Among the rights of the unborn child must be included the right of being wellborn."

What a loony!! The unborn have RIGHTS??? To be killed is their RIGHT??

Wish he had that right applied to him, don't you? These are examples of the kind of mentality we are dealing with.

The Center for Disease Control reports,

"Since 1969 there were 22,670, in 1980 1,297,606, according to the Center for Disease Control ... the recent figures are probably low due to underreporting."

"For every 1,000 babies born 359 are aborted."

That is about 1/3 of them! Among unmarried women in the US abortions now exceed live births by a ratio of 3:2.

Here is a breakdown in percentages of abortions on different groups:

White: 66.2 Black and others: 28.5 Married: 21.7 Unmarried: 72.4 Under 25: 63.8 25 or older: 34.7 Previous abortions: 30.9 No previous abortion: 64.4 Now just look at those statistics, they show you something. They show that the one most likely to have an abortion is a white girl under 25 and single. Talk about genocide The present life-styles for these young girls is put out on TV over and over again to be thin, sexy, and by all means NOT PREGNANT. They have been taught that whatever makes YOU happy is right. Regardless of the consequences. They have become irrational, since science and the Bible show definitely that abortion is murder, they will go ahead with it, anyway, just to fulfill their hedonistic desires. And since "we came from animals anyway," what difference does it make?

The actions of these young girls and women is only outdone in barbarism by the filthy greed of so called Doctors. They will kill for money. And not only kill, but torture while they are at it. Dr. Warren Hern and Bille Corrigan operate the busiest abortion practice in the Rocky Mt. states, the Boulder Abortion Clinic. They state themselves,

"We have reached a point in this particular technology where there is no possibility of denial of an act of destruction by the operator... The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current. It is the crucible of a raging controversy."

The depravity and sadism of these "humans" is seen again in an account given by Mr. Young of a "Doctor" who was present at the abortion of a baby boy, "the boy was admittedly alive by the doctor-but taken to another operating room and dissected.


"One operation and experiment involved hooking up aborted infants to artificial placentas. Eight fetus', obtained by Caesarean section were placed in saline solution, tubes were inserted in the umbilical arteries. When the pumping in of oxygenated blood was terminated, the gasping increased, the heart slowed and eventually stopped."

These multiple murders won these "Doctors" the Foundation Prize Award from the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. They would be hung if they did that to a baby seal!

In a movie video called The Silent Scream which I have personally viewed, the baby tries to avoid forceps, little by little he is cut to pieces-head crushed extracted and reassembled on the outside to make sure they got all of the baby out. Commenting on the movie, Jim Edwards states,

"The film clearly depicts a frightened, tiny, human being struggling to escape the abortionists tools:"

Dr. Bernard Nathanson was narrator for the film, he was the founder of the National Abortion Rights Action League and had performed over 60,000 abortions himself.

"Dr. Nathanson owes his conversion in part to the wonders of ultrasound, which enables physicians to witness with the naked eye the death agonies of the infants whose lives were being ended by the healer's tool: The killer of the infant whose deaths described in the opening of this column served his internship under Dr. Nathanson's guidance, and the two physicians went on to become firm friends and colleagues. After Dr. Nathanson's conversion, his colleague continued to perform abortions, until witnessing the ultrasound film. One viewing of the footage was enough. Like the ultrasound technician, the doctor who had performed the abortion became so nauseated by what he had witnessed on the screen that he was forced to turn away in order to compose . himself. He has never performed another abortion."

This was not some distraught woman who was nauseated-it was a seasoned surgeon who had performed thousands of abortions-he knew 'what he just did-and quit!

And here we will finish the matter of this paper. It is not a complete treatment of the subject, by any means. It is enough, though, to give to the one who is seeking, not an easy way out, but the truth concerning many of the arguments pro and con concerning the issue of abortion. We have dealt with facts not just "situation" ethics. I hope the reader will take these to heart and give these facts and arguments a fair hearing. We sometimes are not sensitive to things that do not directly affect us. This is a plea to all who read, STOP AND THINK ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON EVERY YEAR, ONE AND A HALF MILLION INNOCENT CHILDREN HAVE BEEN TORTURED, BUTCHERED AND THROWN IN THE GARBAGE THIS YEAR. IS IT NOTHING TO YOU? IS THERE NOT A CAUSE?

BIBLIOGRAPHY Bender, David and Bruno Leone, Abortion: Apposing Viewpoints, St. Paul: Greenhaven Press.

Bergel, Gary, Abortion in America, Elyria: Intercessors For America, 1982.

Gardner, R.F., Abortion.The Personal Dilemma, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Gilbert, Margaret S., Biography of the Unborn, NY: Hafner Publishing Co., 1962.

Gilbert, Scott F, Development Biology, Sunderland: Sinauer Assoc., Inc., 1985.

Hargrove, Lubrett, The Gospel According to Hematology, Okla. City: Southwest Radio Church Publication, 1984.

Kelly, Kent, Abortion The American Holocaust, Southern Pines: Calvary Press, 1981.

Moore, Kieth L., Before We Were Born, Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1974.

Shaw, Russel, Abortion on Trail, Dayton: Pflaum Press, 1968.

Verny, Thomas, and John Kelly, The Secret Life of the Unborn, NY: Dell Publishing Co., 1981.

Willing, Martha K., Beyond Conception, Boston: Gambet Inc., 1971.

Young, Curtis, The Least of These, Chicago: Moody Press, 1983.