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The All-inclusive Panacea

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8,9)

When I received the Lord a while back, I was given the above verses to memorize. It was a long time before I read the next verse. The next verse does away with what I had been taught about the previous two verses. The next verse tells us we are saved to do good works. Why didn't they tell me that? Is there some kind of bias, some conspiracy working here? Now I'm getting paranoid.

I was informed that I was saved by grace and no matter what I did I would go to Heaven. But that tenth verse said I was saved to do good works.

It has taken me many years to grasp what was wrong with the evangelical (I am an evangelical) teaching of grace.

The general understanding is that grace is an all-inclusive panacea. I appreciate the fact that all-inclusive panacea is a redundant expression in that panacea means an all-inclusive remedy. But then the expression rule and reign with Christ is redundant and everybody says that!

I thought I had it nailed by defining the current understanding of grace as "forgiveness." But then I realized grace is being used to include far more than forgiveness. It is like a magic, or snake oil, that makes up for every human imperfection.

You're not serving God? No problem. You're saved by grace. You're not taking up your cross and following Jesus? No problem. You're saved by grace.

You find the demands of the Bible too harsh? No problem. You're saved by grace.

You want to divorce your husband and leave your four children? You're a naughty girl and shouldn't do that. But, Honey, not to worry. You can never lose your salvation. Once you believe in Jesus you're saved by good ol' grace.

You want to leave your wife and children and run off with the piano player? Your denomination may defrock you for six months but you will still hear the Lord say, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter the joy of your Lord." You are saved by grace.

Grace—the all-inclusive panacea. How wonderful to have some snake oil that will heal your cancer and take rust off your fenders.

Amazing grace is truly amazing! It can reconcile the worst of sinners to God. True grace is God in Jesus Christ forgiving people and then enabling them to live so as to please God.

The grace we are preaching today is even more amazing. The sinner is forgiven and brought to father's house where he can keep on sinning. We are preaching a panacea that not only forgives people but overlooks every shortcoming. No matter how people behave, they are assured of entrance into the Presence of God.

Do you have any idea how totally unscriptural, how totally abominable such a doctrine is to Jesus Christ? It frustrates completely His intention to take sinful human beings and turn them into holy warriors who can return with Him and drive sin from the creation.

What a wonderful thing such a panacea would be. We could have our cake and eat it too. We could fool around in this world, live as we please, and then appear as a great mountain of fire, ready to "rule and reign" (sic) with the Lord Jesus.

On the other hand it would not be so wonderful at all. We would be stuck in the new Jerusalem with the same crowd of backbiting, spiteful, malicious, slanderous church people, all praising God for His grace.

Dear Lord, deliver us from such "grace." Thank you.