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Fruits of Persecution on us and Consequences on Persecutors

Persecution exposes how much treasure we have invested on earth in our egos or personal interests and how much is in heaven. If we have invested more in loving ourselves and in being loved by others than being loved by God we will be bothered when that investment is threatened.

Anything that appears to endanger or threaten that area of self will induce fear, anxiety, anger or hurt. Why? Because, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” (Luke 12:34, Matthew 6:21).

Our Lord Jesus invested all his treasures in heaven and his heart naturally followed where his treasure was. He was not therefore moved when his character was threatened among people. Neither was he looking for any approval from them.

Even the Pharisees who hated him acknowledge it. They said, “Teacher, we know you are a man of integrity. You are not swayed by men because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth,” (Mark 12:14).

Jesus did not worry about what others thought of him. All he cared for was his heavenly agenda that concerned fulfilling God's will and obeying his voice even if it brought opposition.

As Jesus' followers we are called to be like him. Our Lord endured the cross by denying himself at all costs against himself for the sake of others. The persecution he endured shows us how little he cared about his ego needs.

For us his followers persecution is meant to remove the self in us and replace it with his selfless nature. He rebuked Peter for trying to restrain him from going through what God ordained – the cross. He said to him, “Get behind Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of  men,” (Matthew 16:23).

Then he turned to the rest of his the disciples saying: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

As we mature spiritually we come to accept that a lot of God's leading involves self-denial. He leads us in areas that can kill the self. The self-centered and self-led part of us is a stumbling block to his leading and lordship over us.

With natural strength, defeat is inevitable in situations were our self-interests are threatened. But as we keep drawing strength from God - in prayer and his word we're able to deny ourselves and put the interests of others ahead of us.

We're able to accept that our opposition is not people or circumstances but Satan. And God only allows certain acts of the enemy's attacks for the purpose of refining our motives, interests and commitment in carrying the cross of self-denial.

Needless to say that some that persecute us receive instant judgment from God. Much to our amazement that the Lord can be so angry against some that trouble his children. Especially his children in front-line ministry (pastors, deacons, elders, intercessors, music artists and so on). “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you,” Genesis 12:3.

Notice on the cursing role that it is God that does it not us. We are only permitted to bless while leaving the cursing and vengeance for him to take care of. Our role is to pray for those cursing and persecuting us. God may choose to use the cursing (unpleasant) experiences he brings upon them to draw them to himself. Others may receive instant Mercy without going through unpleasant experiences.

Persecuting Jesus