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(BILL'S STATEMENTS FROM, 23 Minutes in Hell:)
(MCDOWELL'S STATEMENTS FROM, More Than a Carpenter:)
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Next, I will reproduce the exact words from McDowell's book describing this courtroom drama:
Next, I will reproduce the exact words from McDowell's book describing this courtroom drama:
==MCDOWELL'S STATEMENTS FROM, More Than a Carpenter:==
====MCDOWELL'S STATEMENTS FROM, More Than a Carpenter:====
"Several years ago I heard a story that illuminates what Jesus did on the cross to solve God's problem in dealing with our sin. A young woman was stopped for speeding. The police officer ticketed her and took her before the judge. The judge read off the citation and asked, 'Guilty or not guilty?' The woman replied, 'Guilty.' The judge brought down the gavel and fined her ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, or ten days in jail. Then he did an amazing thing. He stood up, took off his robe, stepped down from the bench, took out his BILLFOLD, and paid the young woman's fine. Why? The judge was her father. He loved his daughter, yet he was a just judge. She had broken the law, and he couldn't simple say to her, 'Because I love you so much, I forgive you. You may go scot-free.' Had he done such a thing, he would not have been a righteous judge. He would not have upheld the law. But because of his love for his daughter, he was willing to take off his judicial robe, step down to her position, assume his relationship as her father, and pay the fine."
"Several years ago I heard a story that illuminates what Jesus did on the cross to solve God's problem in dealing with our sin. A young woman was stopped for speeding. The police officer ticketed her and took her before the judge. The judge read off the citation and asked, 'Guilty or not guilty?' The woman replied, 'Guilty.' The judge brought down the gavel and fined her ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, or ten days in jail. Then he did an amazing thing. He stood up, took off his robe, stepped down from the bench, took out his BILLFOLD, and paid the young woman's fine. Why? The judge was her father. He loved his daughter, yet he was a just judge. She had broken the law, and he couldn't simple say to her, 'Because I love you so much, I forgive you. You may go scot-free.' Had he done such a thing, he would not have been a righteous judge. He would not have upheld the law. But because of his love for his daughter, he was willing to take off his judicial robe, step down to her position, assume his relationship as her father, and pay the fine."

Latest revision as of 16:40, 6 January 2019


The second question I asked Bill was with regards to a judge who paid his daughter's $25,000 traffic ticket. Here again is his answer to me: As for your second question; I gave a quote, as noted in my book. I wouldn't have those details. Proof of the Judge story is not the point. I was curious as to why that would be so important to you? Thank you, Bill

I spent a long time on the Internet looking for the largest fines ever imposed for a speeding violation. The largest sum I could find was for $1000, which was rarely imposed by Nevada and Georgia.

Bill said he was "...curious as to why that would be so important to you ( me) ?" The story is not important at all to me. What is important is whether Bill is telling us the truth regarding his supposed journey, his stories, and his examples, or whether he is a lying fraud. Since I believe the latter, I bought the book, More Than a Carpenter, By Josh McDowell, from which Bill says he took his quotation from p. 115. Actually the account is found on page 155 (so I had to virtually read the entire book to find it). This is amazing. This you must see. First, I will reproduce Bill's bogus "quotation" from his book 23 Minutes in Hell, pp. 76-77:

BILL'S STATEMENTS FROM, 23 Minutes in Hell:

There was a judge in a town that had a case brought to him one day. A girl was speeding in her car through an intersection that had signs posted warning drivers to drive slowly and watch for blind, handicapped children crossing the street. A police officer stopped her vehicle and gave her a ticket. The judge set the fine at the maximum - 25,000. Since the girl was unable to pay the fine, the bailiff prepared to take her away to jail. Just then, the judge did something very strange. He got up from his bench, went over to the bailiff, and paid the $25,000 fine for her! People wondered what was going on; only later did they find out that the girl was his daughter, the judge still imposed the maximum fine. He had to carry out justice. However, his love for his daughter would not allow him to leave her in that predicament.

I am sure you are wondering why such an odd selection of words to be underlined? Here's why: every word I underlined above from Bill's book, is not found in McDowell's book which Bill says is the source of his quotation.

I quoted Bill's version of this courtroom case just as it appears in his book, but I didn't put opening and closing quotation marks (" ") because his story is NOT a quotation from McDowell's book, neither did Bill put this story in quotations. I didn't want anyone to be confused. Bill's retelling of this story is NOT a quotation at all (contrary to what he told me in his letter). Neither is it even a paraphrased version of the story.

Next, I will reproduce the exact words from McDowell's book describing this courtroom drama:


"Several years ago I heard a story that illuminates what Jesus did on the cross to solve God's problem in dealing with our sin. A young woman was stopped for speeding. The police officer ticketed her and took her before the judge. The judge read off the citation and asked, 'Guilty or not guilty?' The woman replied, 'Guilty.' The judge brought down the gavel and fined her ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, or ten days in jail. Then he did an amazing thing. He stood up, took off his robe, stepped down from the bench, took out his BILLFOLD, and paid the young woman's fine. Why? The judge was her father. He loved his daughter, yet he was a just judge. She had broken the law, and he couldn't simple say to her, 'Because I love you so much, I forgive you. You may go scot-free.' Had he done such a thing, he would not have been a righteous judge. He would not have upheld the law. But because of his love for his daughter, he was willing to take off his judicial robe, step down to her position, assume his relationship as her father, and pay the fine."

Wow. Every word underlined from McDowell's book is not found in Bill's book. Ninety percent of Bill's statements are not in McDowell's book, and ninety percent of McDowell's statements are not in Bill's book. Yet Bill tried to tell me that this story is a "quotation" from McDowell's book. Bill LIES! And therefore, by Bill's own admonition (see: 23 Minutes, p. 75) being a liar qualifies one for the lake of fire (Rev. 21:8).

I won't take the time to go through the absurdities of Bill's retelling of this story like who for instance, how many of you believe that even a judge would be carrying around $25,000 in his billfold? Since when could fining a girl $25,000 for a traffic violation, be called "justice?" That's crazy. I guess Bill thought that Increasing a $100 fine two hundred and fifty times, to $25,000, makes for a better story. Never mind the fact that it also makes for a bigger liar. What was it that Bill said about it being "...impossible for me to EXAGGERATE...?"

So why the big deal? Why do I take the time and go into so much detail concerning Bill's book and the Christian doctrine of an eternal hell of torture?

Why? Because Bill's book and this Christian doctrine promote the most damnable heresy on the face of the earth in the history of the world, that's why. People by the millions (billions) have been brainwashed into accepting this obscene and spiritual pornographic smut. I want to totally discredit Bill's entire fabricated evil swill.

To attribute such vile character to the God of creation, the God of our Lord and Saviour, the God of the Holy Scriptures, is the ultimate blasphemy! Now for a closer look at this eternal hell doctrine:

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