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Five Conditions for Cursing Words Before Resulting into Curses

Conditions for cursing words to meet before resulting into curses

To further emphasize, not every unpleasant matter is a curse. The next chapter, Chapter 3 “What Curses are Not: Matters that do not Constitute Curses” covers on this topic. It's not wise to draw easy conclusions even when an undesirable matter is being experienced after someone made a pronouncement of misfortune. There are many reasons undesirable matters happen. It takes prayer and wise discernment to connect the dots.

Needless to say that connecting the dots is not our main priority. Our priority is in ensuring we've no grounds for receiving any curse: from God, from self-infliction, or from other people. Should any grounds exist where cursing words may be pronounced we ought to endeavor to close the legal doorways.

The expressed words of misfortune, whether spoken or written, do not constitute curses on their own. They're cursing words but they are not curses in the real sense. It is what emerges or results from the words that constitutes curses.

The spoken or written words have to pass five tough conditions that God has established before they can have any power of resulting into misfortune (curses). This is the best part in guarding against curses. God has insured that cursing words do not automatically result into curses. Otherwise expressions of misfortune from people and negative expressions we may say against our own selves would easily materialize as curses.

God has made it tougher for such negative pronouncements to bear fruit in order to protect us from being easily harmed. Most cursing words end up failing on at least one of these conditions. They thus end up not materializing on the person or whatever entity the cursing words were pronounced

If the expressed matter of ill will or misfortune fulfils all five of these conditions it's able to operate as a curse on a person. It gains legal entry, a license or authority to operate as a curse on a person. This only happens when all five of the following conditions apply:

1. Curse words need to be outside the Original Sin or the fallen nature
2. Curse words need to be specifically addressed to an individual
3. Curse words need expression through two avenues: speech or in writing
4. Curse words need a person deserving or having grounds for it
5. Curse words need to go through God, the ultimate Gatekeeper of words

1. Curse words need to be outside the Original Sin or the fallen nature

This is in reference to curses from God. Sometimes we easily classify undesirable matters that resulted from the fall of humanity as curses.

Curse words (statements of ill will or misfortune) from God are outside the Original Sin or the fallen nature of which the individual innocently inherited from Adam. The book of Deuteronomy has a snapshot of God's curse words for people walking in disobedience. Here is an example of God's words of misfortune on the disobedient:

“You will sow much seed in the field but you will harvest little, because locusts will devour it. You will plant vineyards and cultivate them but you will not drink the wine or gather the grapes, because worms will eat them. You will have olive trees throughout your country but you will not use the oil, because the olives will drop off,” Deuteronomy 28:38-40.

These Curse words do not relate to the Original Sin as the basis for God bringing curses on people. They relate to the disobedience of people to his ways.

The whole world, including us God's children, is under the curse of the Original Sin. Such a curse is better called the fallen nature, the corrupted nature, the flesh, and so on. It is hardly ever referred to as a curse.

Obeying the fallen nature is what can result into a curse from God. The fallen nature is not by itself a curse. It's the fallen nature, period, not a curse. The fallen nature is what makes us imperfect physically in our physical health and physical looks, and spiritually in our minds, understanding and behavior.

Thus under this corrupted nature that came through the Original Sin even our understanding is not perfect. The bible says we know in part, i.e. we do not have perfect knowledge.

“For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears,” 1 Corinthians 13:9-10.

That's why we have so many denominations with somewhat different interpretations and convictions - yet following the same God. Centuries ago we used to fight over it or hang those that differed from the dominant denomination. Now we're more mature and more tolerant of each other (for the most part).

2. Curse words need to be specifically addressed to an individual

Curses are not like spells that people in the occult cast out. Occult spells can be cast to an entire geographical location with the hope that people in an area will not have some protection against the spell. As God's children we've his protection from occult spells. My other book on breaking spells covers on this topic in detail. It's titled, Breaking Occult Spells: Protection from Witchcraft and Occult Influences .

Unlike spells curses needs to be specifically addressed to an individual.  In this case a curse needs to have a source who is the originator of the curse, and who expresses the curse to an individual. There are only three sources that qualify to curse: God, people and the individual himself/herself. Chapter 4 covers in detail on the sources of curses.

Being specifically addressed to an individual means curses on people are not random. They do not just happen by chance, or by bad luck, or accidentally occur on a person. Like mail curses have an address where they are sent to. It is to the person, people or entity they're addressed to that curses will affect, if all other five conditions outlined in this book's chapter are met.

For example, the curses God pronounced in the book of Deuteronomy did not just randomly apply to anyone. They were pronounced on those who fell in the category of the disobedient. Thus anyone walking in obedience was automatically spared from the curses. A person walking in obedience was actually entitled to God's blessings, as you probably know from the well-known blessings and curses chapters in the book of Deuteronomy.

3. Curse words need expression through two avenues: speech or in writing

Curse words (statements of ill will or misfortune) need to be uttered whether verbally or in writing by the source. A mere mental wish of ill will or misfortune cannot result into a curse. Thus curses are not telepathic or psychical. My other book on breaking spells deals with overcoming matters on telepathy, the psychic and tapping into the spirit world. It's titled, Breaking Occult Spells: Protection from Witchcraft and Occult Influences .

Neither can curses be received through a dream, vision, apparition, or any spiritual phenomena. They can only be expressed in the physical or earthly realm, not spiritual realm. Until such mental or any spiritual phenomena are physically uttered whether verbally or in writing they cannot result in a curse.

Thus curses can only be expressed in the physical or earthly realm for them to have any weight. This expression is in the form of curse words, spoken or written.

4. Curse words need a person deserving or having grounds to receive it

“Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest,” Proverbs 26:2.

This condition together with condition number 5 (God as the Gatekeeper of words) are the most challenging for curse words. It is through these two conditions that we gain the most protection from curse words made by other people against any of us.

For every curse word to have any effect on an individual it needs to find a person having one or both of the following factors:

Next Part A person in a position of deserving it,