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How some occult groups are using the media for their Satanic agend

Both white and black witchcraft practices are becoming the major ways of manipulating people in order to make them accept whatever is being offered to them. For example, many people in the secular music and film industry (singers, actors, actresses, producers, marketers, etc) in order to succeed cast spells or seek professional spell casters (professional witches and wizards)?

Most of their spells are career success spells that do not harm other people. Their spells however are intended to manipulate their targeted audience (market) to idolize them to the extent that they buy their products or services. Such practices are what the word spellbound technically relates to. A person who gets to like what's being offered is said to be spellbound. The spell, not just what's being offered played a role in influencing or manipulating the person.

You may have come across a story of one actor, singer, or politician who was reported to have visited a psychic for help. Many people assume the help being sought was for psychological or stress reasons.  The stories do not go into details, either to protect the person, or because they do not have the info on what exactly went on behind the closed doors.

At this stage of reading this book you know pretty well the three categories of witchcraft practices: (1) Magic (sorcery), (2) Divination (fortune-telling), and (3) Spiritism (necromancy). Thus if anything was being sought in relation to career success a psychic would not just give advice but would do what is needed in the witchcraft world to summon spiritual powers. This would fall in the category of sorcery in form of casting spells.

G. Craig Lewis has some fiery sermons on this prevalence in the entertainment world using witchcraft practices. He's the founder of EX Ministries (Generation X Ministries) a ministry mainly to the youth and parents. They serve to sound the alarm about the depraved worldly culture.

You can watch some of his sermons on Youtube.com or at the ministry's website, EXMinistries.com. Please fasten your seat belts when listening to his teachings. They're not the usual feel good sermons that people want to hear. And he mentions names of some feel good preachers, something that I don't do, except where painfully unavoidably necessary. And I don't agree with some of the names he mentions. But he has very edifying sermons. His no-nonsense preaching on occult influences will inspire you to move out of any comfort zone.

I believe the prevalence in the entertainment world of witchcraft practices is fuelled by Freemasons. The symbolism that's being publicized by many artists bears lots of the fingerprints or clues of Freemasonry association.

Freemasonry has always been wealth and power centered. Anywhere you smell money and/or power you'll find Freemasons trying to have a lion's share (the largest share). Occult researchers and anti-Freemasonry activists like Alex Jones even say that nowadays you cannot be a district judge, top ranked police officer, and many other top posts unless you're a Freemason. This includes large corporations (including in the multimedia), political office posts, and some large non-profit organizations. Don't count the people that claim to be Christians, ministers or reverends in some of these posts. We've many imposters around us.

Freemasons have been laying the foundation to put in office those who will follow their orders in building their New World Order system. This one world government system has been their pursuit for centuries. During our time their pursuits are becoming so blatantly visible it shows their desperation. Carefully insuring as many positions of leadership and influence are in their hands is a strategy to facilitate their work.

The ultimate objective is to force everyone to follow their religion to bow to and worship the beast: the Antichrist, who is ultimately Satan. The New World Order is not just about power, wealth, and influence, but also about religion. This religion is about worshipping Lucifer.

No wonder we're seeing such a rise in the focus on occult activities, magic powers, violent images and behavior, you name it. It's a sign of the rise of the Antichrist.

Thus it's not surprising that the entertainment world is dominated by people that are not Christians. They're easier sell-outs to use by the people behind scenes who own the media businesses. Most of the people who do the acting, singing, writing and producing are actually not Freemasons but belong to other occult groups that Freemasonry can tolerate. This is how we can see many in the entertainment world openly saying they belong to one occult group or another. They call each of the groups they belong to as a religious group. And almost none of the religions they mention is Christianity.

The most prominent among these religions mentioned include the Church of Scientology, Kabbalah, and Wicca. Any person who actually belongs to Freemasonry keeps it a secret that he/she belongs to Freemasonry. The person may instead mention a group that the public cannot associate with the money and influence that the people at the top control.

The people at the top or the people that employ the actors, singers, and writers are the real Freemasons. They're high ranked Freemasons who know what they're up to as they use the willing artists to poison society spiritually, socially, physically, and materially.

Thus the people pulling the strings and setting the agenda are way at the top. The artists who use witchcraft practices to bolster their careers are not the main problem. Their low level witchcraft practices cannot be compared with the Satanic witchcraft practices of people at the top. If all the artists became Christians today we'd still have to deal the people at the top who set the agenda. They would easily employ other people to replace them. And their agenda would continue to be implemented.

In our endeavors of doing our part we therefore ought to be mindful of the root of the problem as well.  We understand that the people in Mystery Babylon, of which Freemasonry represents, are the ones behind all this. Having this understanding helps us know why it's going on. The next chapter, “End-time Deception and Control: Final Quest for Global Dominion,” covers on this Mystery Babylon topic.

Some practical steps against occult influences

Some practical steps against occult influences are readily available for all of us before we even move to praying. It concerns eliminating or minimizing the use of matters that the occult world uses in trying to influence us. Unless where necessary, using these avenues is like friendship with what the occult world is throwing at us. Thus elimination is the best form of prevention.

The most important among them is the secular multimedia network. Media ownership is very important real estate for people in the elite occult circles. The real estate that they work to control through the media are the minds of people.

Alternatives exist for us, like Sky Angel which provides exclusively Christian and family friendly programming with as many as 36 channels. The last time I visited their website (February 2008) it broadcasted to residents in USA only. It has moved from satellite broadcasting to broadcasting through IPTV (Internet Protocol Television: television broadcasting through the internet). See SkyAngel.com for more info.

There is no excuse (from God's perspective) to watch “devilvision” when Christian television alternatives exist. Even where no Christian channels exist falling for most (not all) secular media is as good as dancing with the devil. The level of deception, manipulation, and hidden occult sorcery is tremendous. All it takes is repeated exposure to certain values and lifestyles before one is lured into accepting them.

For Christians the acceptance may not be that of the extreme immoral values like violence, profanity, depravity and so on. It is the seemingly innocent secular values that with little notice of any deception can end up choking our Christian lives. Satan and his team of evil spirits know what dose of poison is a start for each person.

Prayer and fasting: The spiritual dynamite duo

How does a Christian deal with such an experience after somehow ending up being the new occupant or owner of a haunted house?

Summary on barriers against occult spells

Overall occult spells do not have the success level many assume they do. This is because spells have all three barriers to deal with before they can materialize in the earthly realm. Some are stopped at God's sovereign will level. Other's God breaks them at Christ's atonement level. Finally, God breaks others through our obedience to his will.

Smith's Bible Dictionary says, “An examination of the various notices of magic in the Bible gives this general result: They do not, act far as can be understood, once state positively that any but illusive results were produced by magical rites. (Even the magicians of Egypt could imitate the plagues sent through Moses only so long as they had previous notice and time to prepare. The time Moses sent the plague unannounced the magicians failed; they "did so with their enchantments," but in vain,” ( Smith's Bible Dictionary, “Magic, Magicians”).