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The Three Separations of the Royal Priesthood, 9

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, (II Corinthians 6:17)

We must live a separated, holy life before the Lord Jesus. We must offer our physical body as a living sacrifice to the Father. We must abide in Christ by praying often, meditating in the Scriptures, and gathering together with fervent saints of like mind. We are not of the world. We have been called out of the world by Christ and are being trained for service throughout the ages to come. Part of our training consists of ministering to the saints today according to the gifts the Spirit has given us.

As long as we are involved in the world, considering ourselves as part of the world, making ourselves secure and comfortable in the world, we cannot be a part of the royal priesthood of God. The Christian who does not come out from the present age and "live in tents as did Abraham," so to speak, is not eligible to be a member of the royal priesthood. He is not confessing that he is a pilgrim and a stranger on the earth (Hebrews 11:13).

He is turning away from the very purpose for his having been born into the world. He is forfeiting his birthright, as did Esau. He is not grasping that for which he has been grasped by the Lord (Philippians 3:12). He is destroying the possibility of the fulfillment of his destiny.

Eventually the peoples of the world will throw him out, just as the sailors threw Jonah out of the boat. No matter how hard he tries, "Jonah never can be one of the sailors." The saint never can be accepted by the world as a member of the world—the world that God loves and intends to bless through His saints. Let the vessel honor the Potter and be what the Potter intends.

Separation from Sin

The Lord's royal priesthood must be holy. The Bride, the Church, is to be without spot or wrinkle. The new Jerusalem is the holy city.

It is not acceptable to the Lord that there be any sin whatever in His Wife. By one offering, the Lord Jesus has perfected forever those who are sanctified, that is, those of mankind whom God has set apart as members of the Bride of the Lamb (Hebrews 10:14).

The saints are to walk in the light of God's Presence. As they do, the blood of the Lamb cleanses them from all sin and they have fellowship with God. When the true saints sin they immediately confess their sin and repent of it, forsaking it with diligence. God forgives their sin and cleanses them from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9).

The true Bride washes her robes continually in the blood of the Lamb.

The Father has given all mankind into the power of His Son, Christ. From the mass of people who compose mankind, God has given certain individuals to Christ so they may have eternal life and be a firstfruits of saved mankind on the earth.

As thou hast given him power [authority] over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. (John 17:2)

To be continued. Royal Priesthood 10