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Table of Contents 2004

Copyright © 2004 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

The World to Come

The Christian Church is the government of the Kingdom of God and will govern mankind for eternity.

Yesterday morning at church (6/20/2004) the burden concerned our need to recognize the importance of our calling as a saint and the need to press forward to the fullness of God.

Actually two related concepts were expressed. First, that we are being made in God's image after His likeness. To be in God's image means that we are thinking along with God; speaking along with God; and acting along with God. This is the way the Lord Jesus Christ, The Expression of God, has been thinking, speaking, and acting from eternity. This is the rest of God. To live in the rest of God is not difficult. As we keep asking God to express His thoughts, words, and actions in us, He does just that.

The second topic, related to the first, had to do with the nature of the Kingdom of God. The Church is the government of the Kingdom of God. The purpose of the Christian Era, the Church Era, has been to develop the government of the Kingdom of God. The forming of the Kingdom began with the revealing of the King of the Kingdom, the Lord Jesus Christ.

After the Lord Jesus come the victorious saints, the nobles of the Kingdom, we might say.

After the victorious saints will be developed the remainder of the Church, the fullness of the Body of Christ.

This is the eternal government of the new world, the world of righteousness, the New Jerusalem.

As soon as God is satisfied with His government, He will provide us with a new sky and a new earth. Living as citizens on the new earth will be the great mass of mankind, having been raised from the dead and declared worthy of eternal life. The Church will serve these citizens as a governing (royal) priesthood.

Every individual who lives in the new world of righteousness will have a portion of Christ in him, some thirtyfold, some sixtyfold, some a hundredfold. Thus Christ shall be all in all and God in Him. This is the Kingdom of God, including the government and the citizens.

Today God is seeking those who are willing to think, speak, and act along with Him so they can serve to govern, deliver, and bless those of mankind who have not been called as saints. We are to pray that God will give us more of His Holy Spirit so we can bless other people with eternal life.

The Spirit along with the Bride say to mankind, "Come and drink the waters of eternal life!"

Copyright © 2004 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved