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''To be continued.''[[Revealed at the Judgment Seat 3]]<br><br>
''To be continued.''[[Revealed at the Judgment Seat 3]]<br><br>
[[Category:Revealed at the Judgment Seat]]

Latest revision as of 23:41, 30 May 2018

Revealed at the Judgment Seat, 2

Word of Righteousness

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. (Galatians 6:7,8)

The believer who battles lust, denying himself and carrying his cross, will be given a spirit of holiness, a body of eternal righteousness and life, and an inheritance of people to love.

The believer who is neglectful and lazy, will be given a spirit of sluggishness, a weak, lazy body, and a destiny in outer darkness.

It is believed commonly that if a person makes a profession of faith in Christ, receiving Him as the sacrifice for sins and believing that He rose from the dead, there is little else of significance to do as far as redemption is concerned, other than to wait for His appearing. Then, when the believer is presented before the Judgment Seat of Christ, he is to affirm his belief in the atoning death and victorious resurrection of the Lord. On this basis he will be ushered into glorious rewards of blessings, and rulership over the nations.

This is the understanding of the new covenant held by the majority of Christian believers of our day.

It is incorrect.

One does not need to be a Greek scholar to perceive that this is not what II Corinthians 5:10 teaches.

When the Christian appears before the Judgment Seat of Christ he will be revealed for what he truly is. God will not "see him through Christ."

If he has laid hold on the grace of God so that the sufferings of Christ and the power of the resurrection are abounding in him, Divine life, light and glory will flow from him at his unveiling before Christ.

If his Christian discipleship has been occupied with the satisfying of his flesh, the things of the present world, then the poverty of his threadbare soul will be uncovered before Christ. He will be ashamed, naked, found wanting.

There is no question here of the correctness of his theology concerning the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. The question concerns the things he has done while in the flesh and the corresponding condition of his inner spiritual nature.

The first part of the fifth chapter of Second Corinthians has to do with reaping what we have sown.

If the believer, when he is made manifest before the Judgment Seat of Christ, has pleased God by his decisions and actions, he will be clothed inwardly with the Spirit of righteousness and outwardly with the body of indestructible life, also having righteous tendencies.

If the believer has occupied himself with the things of the world, has indulged in sin, has followed his personal ambitions rather than taken up his cross and followed the Master, then his inner corruption, self-centeredness, and love of the things of Satan will be revealed before the Judgment Seat of Christ. The believer will be found to be without spiritual clothing.

To be continued.Revealed at the Judgment Seat 3