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Eight Appearances of the Victorious Saints

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. (Revelation 3:5)

I realize I have mentioned some of the appearances of the victorious saints in previous essays, but the topic is expanding in my mind and seems to be pressing on me. So I ask your indulgence when I repeat myself.

We woke up this morning (March 17, 1997) to read that thirty-nine men and women, members of a cult, had committed suicide in Rancho Santa Fe which is near us. Why would young intellectuals in an affluent society, well able to live the typical life of the American upper middle class, kill themselves?

The only solution to the UFO mentality is the presentation of a better hope, a real hope, which is the coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth.

There is an intensifying spiritual hunger in the United States. Money, improved communication devices, vocational success, do not feed this hunger. Some Americans are turning to the Hindu or Buddhist religions in search of spiritual realities. Others to weird cults, as in Rancho Santa Fe.

The Christian churches must bear a great deal of the blame, I believe. We who have access to the very deepest of mystical experiences in Christ Jesus have become small businesses that make infrequent allusions if any to the world of spirits, the world for which all people finally hunger. Some Christian denominations and churches are modeled after the successful business organizations of the world, seeking superior marketing techniques in order that their numbers may grow.

Oftentimes the Christian businesses (churches) go into all the world to add members to their organization, not to make disciples and train them to keep God's commandments. Rather they offer a sterile gospel, a gospel that will not offend anyone except perhaps the Jews, the Muslims, and the Communists, who have their own fish to fry.

It truly is a day for intense prayer and repentance, humility, sackcloth so to speak, not a parading of how marvelous we Christians are as we go forth to lend a hand to a "bleeding, dying world." The world is bleeding and dying because we are not bearing a true witness of God. We are seeking to please people rather than God, the historical error of Christianity.

Jesus Christ is not asleep. He is drawing near His churches. The great Mountain of Fire has the stars and the lampstands in His nail-scarred hands. Already many lights have gone out. Already the "rights of the people" have put out the blazing Shekinah.

It is time for the High Priest to trim the wicks and put in fresh oil. And you never mind the rest of the world; you who know and love God it is time to turn away from the improved marketing techniques, from the shallow "Jesus did it all" pap being presented. Look to the Holy One of Israel. If you have to, go it alone. Be an Antipas against all. You soon will find others marching along.

Jesus Christ is looking for believers today who will come out of the babylonish mess (at least in their hearts, the bodies will come out at some later date) and begin to seek God with a pure heart. The Holy Spirit will reveal areas of your personality He wants to repair.

To be continued Eight Appearances of the Victorious Saints 2