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Both the Old Testament and the New Testament make a distinction between the chains of sin that dwell in our flesh, the lusts and passions that so easily overtake and deceive us, and deliberate, premeditated, willful sin. God is ready and able through the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us and deliver us completely from every uncleanness that dwells in our flesh. But deliberate disobedience to God’s commands and will for us is another matter. Deliberate sin can bring us down to severe punishment or even loss of our salvation.
Both the Old Testament and the New Testament make a distinction between the chains of sin that dwell in our flesh, the lusts and passions that so easily overtake and deceive us, and deliberate, premeditated, willful sin. God is ready and able through the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us and deliver us completely from every uncleanness that dwells in our flesh. But deliberate disobedience to God’s commands and will for us is another matter. Deliberate sin can bring us down to severe punishment or even loss of our salvation.
But I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. (Romans 7:23)
But I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. (Romans 7:23)

Latest revision as of 23:32, 4 May 2015


Copyright © 2001 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament make a distinction between the chains of sin that dwell in our flesh, the lusts and passions that so easily overtake and deceive us, and deliberate, premeditated, willful sin. God is ready and able through the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us and deliver us completely from every uncleanness that dwells in our flesh. But deliberate disobedience to God’s commands and will for us is another matter. Deliberate sin can bring us down to severe punishment or even loss of our salvation.



But I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. (Romans 7:23)

If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. (Hebrews 10:26,27)

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament make a distinction between the chains of sin that dwell in our flesh, the lusts and passions that so easily overtake and deceive us, and deliberate, premeditated, willful sin. God is ready and able through the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us and deliver us completely from every uncleanness that dwells in our flesh. But deliberate disobedience to God’s commands and will for us is another matter. Deliberate sin can bring us down to severe punishment or even loss of our salvation.

Deliberate sin is willful disobedience to God. It is rebellion against God.

Let’s think carefully about the two verses above.

"I see another law at work in the members of my body."

There were sinful compulsions living in Paul’s flesh, in the members of his body. These compulsions drove him to do things of which Paul did not approve.

Paul is telling the Jews that while the Law of Moses could make an atonement for these unlawful actions, through the blood of animals, the worshiper was kept in a state of continual condemnation because he realized he was going to do the same thing again.

Paul goes on to say that under the new covenant we can follow the Spirit of God in putting to death these compulsions, and by so doing gain eternal life

But then we see the writer of the Book of Hebrews referring to another situation.

"If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth."

The writer of Hebrews is not referring here to those unclean bondages that dwell in our flesh but to the conscious choices the Christian makes. He is not speaking of unintentional sins but of those we pursue knowledgeably and willingly.

There is forgiveness and deliverance for all the bondages of sin. We were born with these and do not want them dwelling in us.

God loves us and is very pleased when we keep following the Spirit into the breaking of the bondages of the sin that dwells in us.

God is not pleased with us when we deliberately keep on sinning, when we choose to live in the lusts of our flesh, to follow our own desires when we know they are not what God wants for us. Such disobedience leads us into fiery judgment as God seeks to save us from our rebellious attitude.

The difference between the sin which deceives us, and deliberate sin, is revealed in the Old Testament.

If a member of the community sins unintentionally and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD’s commands, he is guilty. (Leviticus 4:27) A sin can be unintentional when an individual is caught off guard and yields to the temptation to lust or anger, or when the person is not aware of the commandments or of the Lord’s will.

All of the sin offerings of the Levitical Law were for unintentional sin. There was no atonement for intentional sin. The person who sinned willfully was to be cut off from Israel and often was put to death by stoning.

While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly, and they kept him in custody, because it was not clear what should be done to him. Then the LORD said to Moses, "The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp." (Numbers 15:32-35)

Now consider this man. He was not deceived. He was not overtaken in a fault. He was not driven by uncontrollable impulses. He just decided to ignore what God had said about the Sabbath and do what he felt like doing.

How many Christians of our day behave in a way they know is sinful and just do what they feel like doing They think Divine grace covers intentional sin. It does not. Divine grace has made the most marvelous provision for unintentional sin. But there is no provision for intentional sin.

The new covenant assumes that once a person puts his hand to the plow he will not look back

Because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. (Hebrews 10:14)

With the one sacrifice Christ has made him perfect for eternity as far as the guilt of sin is concerned; and as far as the power of sin is concerned also, although he has to walk this out in the daily conflict as the Holy Spirit enables him to overcome sinful urges. As he continues to obey God strictly, the blood of atonement keeps on cleansing him.

All of his sin from this point forward is to be unintentional. If the Holy Spirit points out a sin he is committing he immediately is to confess it, denounce it as unworthy of the Kingdom of God, renounce it and have nothing more to do with it, and call on the Lord for strength to never do this again.

There is no other true Christian walk. What we have in America today, with our emphasis on grace-rapture-Heaven, is a travesty, a grotesque imitation of the Divine program of redemption.

All intentional sin has been provided for with the atoning blood of the cross of Calvary. There absolutely is no provision whatever for deliberate sin, for disobedience to God.

The story of the prodigal son reveals to us God’s attitude toward the sinner who returns to his Father’s house. It says nothing about the sinner who returns to his Father’s house and then proceeds to disobey his Father

The Christian who chooses to disobey God has become the enemy of God. His end shall be tragic. Why was gathering wood on the Sabbath punishable by death? It was punishable by death because the man was spitting in God’s face, so to speak. He was despising God. He was challenging God.

Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands. But those who hate him he will repay to their face by destruction; he will not be slow to repay to their face those who hate him. (Deuteronomy 7:9,10)

We are of the opinion today that such verses do not apply to Christians because we are "saved by grace." We are mistaken. God has not changed. The difference today is that we have more available Divine Virtue wherewith to serve God. But the rules governing us are more, not less, strict than was true of the Law of Moses.

It is true today, as it has been and shall be from eternity to eternity, that God keeps His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands. But He will repay to their face by destruction those who hate Him.

God has endless compassion on the individual who is bound with sin and who wishes he were rid of it. He is remorseful but cannot find the strength to overcome his chains. If he prays, God will bring him to someone who can pray the prayer of deliverance; or maybe God will just reach down and remove his chains.

But the person who says in his heart, "I will do as I please and God loves me too much to do anything about it," has been deceived by current teaching. He or she is sinning deliberately. God will treat this individual as a disobedient slave.

On one occasion a young lady said to me, "I am going out tonight with my boyfriend. We will do things in the back seat of the car we ought not to do. But tomorrow I will ask Jesus to forgive me, and He will."

She is mortally mistaken. She does not know Jesus as well as she thinks she does. She is counting the blood of the covenant wherewith she was sanctified an unholy thing. She will not be forgiven. She is being presumptuous. She will be punished severely.

During my devotions yesterday I was contemplating the ordination ceremony for Aaron, the High Priest, and his sons. The solemnity, the holiness, the fear of God, arose from the pages. I began to compare this blood-filled ceremony with the casual, fun-filled antics of today’s believers: the prosperity and faith gospels, the "Jesus did it all" delusion, the flight of Gentiles to Heaven in a "rapture" while the Jews are tortured by Antichrist. This reflection made me aware of how far we are from God, we American Christians. We have little comprehension of the Holy One of Israel. We have made the Christian religion into some kind of Vanity Fair filled with covetousness, lust, and foolishness of all sorts.

We do not have a true perception of the Lord Jesus and His salvation. It will require the falling of horrible judgments on America before we even begin to grasp the seriousness of life, and of the blood atonement made by Christ.

But back to our subject.

A Jew under the Law of Moses might lose his temper because of a provocation and injure someone. He then would be brought before the judges and required to make restitution. After the appropriate sacrifice his sin was forgiven.

But let us say a Jew under the Law of Moses decided to make some perfume according to the recipe given for the incense to be used in the Tabernacle of the Congregation. He was not brought before the judges to make restitution and offer his sacrifice. He was cut off from Israel. Do not make any incense with this formula for yourselves; consider it holy to the LORD. Whoever makes any like it to enjoy its fragrance must be cut off from his people. (Exodus 30:37,38)

Now, why was it true that an individual could hurt someone while in a rage, and then be restored; but if he made some of the holy incense we was cut off from Israel? It was because the individual who hurt someone was responding to his sinful nature—that with which all of us are bound. It was not intentional. He did that of which he did not approve after he regained his peace.

But the person, knowing God had declared this special incense was to be used only in the Tabernacle of the Congregation, went ahead and compounded some for his own use, was spitting in the face of God. Whether God liked it or did not like it, he was going to do it anyway. Can you see the difference in the two actions?

In the case of Adam and Eve, they had no sin nature until after they disobeyed God. God had told them what to do and what not to do. Their disobedience has resulted in 6,000 years of agony and death for their descendants.

Adam and Eve were not spitting in God’s face. They were deceived by Satan and had neither the education nor the experience to give them full realization of the wickedness of their behavior. God understood this, and yet they were driven from the Tree of Life and from Paradise. Sin always has dreadful consequences, whether or not we realize what we are doing.

Again, thinking about unintentional sin:

The LORD said to Moses ,"Say to the Israelites: ‘When anyone sins unintentionally and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD’s commands—" (Leviticus 4:1,2)

Unintentional sin occurs for one or more of three reasons. The believer is deceived. The believer does not know of God’s will concerning the issue. The believer is driven by uncontrollable compulsions. These three factors often interact.

The Apostle Paul was deceived when he assisted in the persecution of the early Christians. Paul would have given his life before he persecuted a Christian, had he understood that Jesus was the awaited Christ.

We read that King Josiah repented when the scroll of the law was found.

@SCRIPTURE =When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his robes. (II Kings 22:11)

King Josiah and his associates had been ignorant of God’s commandments until the Law of Moses was brought to their attention.

I think the Book of the Law has been found today, so to speak. After centuries of tradition built upon tradition, error constructed upon error, God is opening our eyes to what the New Testament actually says.

We have been deceived!

It does not matter how we "feel," whether we can speak in tongues, whether we are being used in ministry. The New Testament means exactly what it says—every syllable of it! The Evangelical preaching of today simply does not follow the writings of the Apostles. We are far off base. We need preachers and teachers who will preach chapters from the New Testament and not superimpose their traditions on their perception. If a number of preachers and teachers would do this we soon would have the greatest revival of all time, because the believers would turn from their sins and walk in righteousness.

How can God bless when we are telling the people that they can commit all kinds of sin and God does not notice their behavior when they are "saved by grace"?

Back to our subject.

We sin unintentionally because we have been deceived. We sin unintentionally because we do not know the Lord’s commands or His will for our life.

The third reason we sin is that there are powerful urges that dwell in our flesh. Paul the Apostle, in the seventh chapter of the Book of Romans, sets forth clearly the sinful compulsions that dwell in our flesh and make it impossible for us to act as righteously as we desire. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so you do not do what you want. (Galatians 5:17)

We understand, therefore, that unintentional sin may occur because we are in deception; or because we do not understand God’s will; or because we are driven by strong passions.

Intentional sin occurs when we are not deceived, when we know what God wants, when we are able to choose to act or not to act. A man spoke up in the class and told us of how angry he had been with an individual who had defrauded him. He met this person in a parking lot. Then the Lord spoke to our brother and said, "You are an inch away from murdering the man who defrauded you."

Our brother then repented and walked away from the situation.

If the Lord had not spoken he indeed might have murdered the man because of the rage that was in his heart. It would have been an unintentional sin.

But before he sinned in this manner, the Lord spoke to him and made him aware of what he was about to do.

Our brother did the right thing and walked away. But if he had gone ahead anyway and obeyed his sinful nature by murdering the individual, this would have been an intentional sin, and you can be sure he would have suffered the full consequences of his actions. Can you see the difference between intentional sin and deliberate disobedience to God?

Of course, there is a certain amount of deception in all sin, in that we are not fully aware of the agony of the consequences.

The three conditions interact, in that strong passions residing in us lead us readily into deception. We have the power not to act sinfully, but we have been persuaded in our mind that God is permitting our action—even though it is against the Scripture. This is deception proceeding from the strong passions in us.

An example of this would be a Christian person whose lustful or romantic nature persuades him that he has married the wrong woman, and now has found his "soul mate." He is convinced that the Holy Spirit wants him to abandon his present wife and marry another.

He actually has enough strength to not commit this unscriptural act, Satan has persuaded him that this is God’s will. "After all, God wants me to be happy!" and this sort of thing.

Such deception accounts for much Christian sinning.

Unintentional sinning would largely be avoided if the Christian would pray every day, read his Bible every day, and fellowship with fervent believers on a regular basis. Also—and this is extremely important—he must make up his mind that the Christian life is one of patient endurance. There are fiery trials along the way. God chastens every son He receives.

The cross, that engine of destruction, is God’s method of destroying our self-will. We must be willing to abide in the prison where God places us until God releases us. To not do so is to insure we will fall into sin in one manner or another.

There can be a difference between the guilt of sin and the consequences of sin.

A Christian might smoke cigarettes for years without realizing this is a sin against his body, against the temple of God. Then he may hear a sermon that convicts him smoking cigarettes is a sin.

If he repents and ceases from smoking cigarettes, God will forgive him and help him recover from his addiction. But he yet may die from lung cancer because his lungs have been destroyed by years of smoking.

We understand, then, there is a difference between the guilt of sin and the consequences of sin. God is always ready to forgive us when we come to Him in sincere repentance. But we reap what we have sown nevertheless.

What about the Judgment Seat of Christ? We all shall stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account for what we have done during our stay on the earth.

The issue at the Judgment Seat of Christ will not be the sinful impulses that bind our flesh. God knows we were born with most of them and hate having them dwelling in us.

The issue at the Judgment Seat of Christ is what we have done while in the body. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. (II Corinthians 5:10)

The Spirit of God refers to the things done while in the body. He is not referring, I believe, to the sinful impulses over which you, as an unsaved person or a young Christian, have little control. The Spirit is referring rather to what you have done about your bondages. Have you obeyed God when He told you to do something? If not, why not? This is the issue that will be raised; not that you were terribly bound with alcohol or a homosexual spirit.

Did you read your Bible every day while it was possible to do so?

Did you pray about the decisions you made?

Did you confess your sins and ask the Lord to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness? The Lord is not going to rebuke you for that of which you were ignorant or that over which you had not control. He will rebuke you, however, if you failed to do that over which you had control.

Let me give you a simple illustration.

If you are sick you cannot heal yourself. But you can pray and you can go to the elders of the church as have them anoint you with oil. After you have done all you can, rest in the Lord. You are without condemnation.

We have been invited to go to the Throne of God and ask help for our needs, whether they are spiritual or physical. If we do this, God will meet our needs and will bless us. But if we do not go to the Throne of God, do not ask for help with our spiritual and physical needs, then we will not get the help we need and we will be judged accordingly.

When we pray every day for God to release the chains of sins from us we receive a double blessing. First, we receive the blessing of having God help us to lead a righteous life. Second, we receive more eternal life because we now are leading a righteous life.

But when we do not pray every day for God to release the chains of sin from us we receive a double curse. First, God does not help us lead a righteous life. Second, we lose what eternal life we might have had, or do have, because we are not leading a righteous life. In the Scriptures, eternal life always is the result of righteous, holy behavior.

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. (Romans 6:22)

The benefit that flows from being set free from sin and becoming God’s slave leads to holiness of life and behavior. The result of a holy life is eternal life.

Eternal life results from something. Eternal life is the result of righteous, holy behavior.

It often is taught that Christians have nothing to fear from the Judgment Seat of Christ. Thus we have made the warning of Paul of no effect. All of us have every reason to fear the mightiest Lord of the universe!

I know perfect love casts out fear, and he who fears has not been made perfect in love. Therefore, we are to fear until we have been made perfect in love.

Why are we to fear? Why are we to work out our salvation with fear and trembling?

Because of the power of the sins that live in our flesh.

Because of the attractions of the world that so easily can lead us away from our fervent love for Christ.

Because of the wiles of Satan who has had thousands of years of experience in deceiving people into sinning against God. Because of our American culture which beseeches us daily to focus our attention on the things of the world. The television parades before us continually the idols of money, lust, violence, drunkenness, witchcraft, and every other enemy of Christ.

The spirit of the world is the spirit of Antichrist. Its god is money. Its wisdom is secular education. There is no fear of God, only an endless clamor for more fun, more material possessions, more status, more entertainment.

This is why we are to fear. We fear we will lose our position in Christ. We fear we will not endure to the end. We fear we will be deceived. If we are not cautious concerning these matters it is because we already have been deceived by the errors that abound in Evangelical traditions.

When we repent of our malice and wickedness, place our faith in the blood of the cross for the remission of our sins, are baptized in water signifying we have assigned our adamic personality to the cross of Christ and now have risen to walk with Christ in incorruptible resurrection life, we immediately are placed in Christ at the right hand of God in Heaven.

Every day we must maintain our position in Christ at the right hand of God.

Satan cannot tear us down from there unless he can get our attention and attract us with some aspect of the world culture.

Do not think for one moment that we cannot be torn down from the right hand of God. It happens every day with Christian people. One day they are dwelling in peace in Christ at the right hand of God. The next day they are battling with some issue that Satan has presented before them—an issue of intense desire, or perhaps of terrifying fear. Now the battle is joined. If the believer faithfully goes to God for wisdom and strength, he or she will overcome the accuser.

But if the believer does not faithfully go to God for wisdom and strength, is not consistently assembling with fervent disciples, is not reading his Bible each day, he or she will be in jeopardy of losing his untroubled rest in the center of God’s will. Satan cannot force us to sin. He has to trick us into cooperating with him in some manner. He does this by deceiving us into believing we are doing the right thing.

The wise Christian will pray every day that Christ will keep him from being deceived; that he will not be led into temptation but will be delivered from the evil ways of Satan.

We are fighting the good fight of faith. We are struggling against sin, not in our own wisdom and strength but as the Holy Spirit guides and strengthens us.

God does not condemn us because of our unintentional sins, as long as we confess and renounce them when they are brought to our attention. The blood of Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness. This is how we keep our robe spotless.

But if we are leading a casual Christian life, not fervently confessing and renouncing our sins when they are brought to our attention, not denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following the Lord Jesus, then we are under condemnation. We have chosen to ignore our great salvation. We shall not escape severe punishment at the hands of Christ.

Each of us has a will. If our will is weak we must pray to the Lord to give us a strong will. We must choose whom we will serve.

We realize we sin unintentionally. If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves.

But Christ has made provision for us so we are not obligated to keep on sinning.

We have the Bible, including the historical record of the tribes of Israel, so we can study and learn what to do to please God and what not to do. We can learn of the terrifying results of the one sin of Adam and Eve. If we have access to a Bible, and do not meditate in it continually, we are guilty of intentional sin, and this will be revealed at the Judgment Seat of Christ. We deliberately have chosen to disobey God in this matter.

If we do not use the talents God has given, that is, all the material, spiritual, and human resources available to us, to build God’s Kingdom, we are guilty of intentional sin. Christ will remove our talents from us and give them to another. We ourselves will be thrown into the outer darkness. We have sinned deliberately by refusing to serve the Lord diligently. This issue will be raised at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

The Lord has given to us the Holy Spirit to help us pray. We are to pray each day over every decision we make. We are to set aside each day some time to pray.

If we do not, we soon will be led into error. We have chosen to occupy ourselves with the things of the world rather than with the Spirit of God. We will commit many sins. We will be punished at the Judgment Seat of Christ for our negligence.

We are to be kind one to another, supporting our fellow believers. We are not to slander them or gossip about them. We are to pray for kindness and compassion. If we do not, we have chosen to join ourselves with Satan, with the accuser of the brothers. This issue will be raised at the Judgment Seat of Christ. It is a deliberate neglect of Christ’s commandments.

We are to pray fervently that we may be of use in building the Body of Christ. If we do not, we will remain a useless member of the Body. We are to assemble on a regular basis, if we can, with fervent disciples. The spiritual darkness is so great, particularly in America at this time, that any individual who chooses to try to serve Christ without fellowship may soon be deceived by Satan.

Numerous American Christians are casual about church attendance. They come to the services once in a while, taking numerous vacations in the meantime. They do not come to the assembling with an attitude of giving but of receiving. They do not see any difference in their life whether or not they attend church.

The truth is, the Body of Christ builds up itself by that which every joint supplies. Whether or not we see anything taking place, we are to attend and pray for God’s Presence. Every member is important.

When we neglect to attend the assembling of the believers, Satan begins to point out to us the shortcomings of our fellow believers. Soon we become angry. When we find ourselves becoming angry with other Christians we know we are growing cold spiritually. Sometimes we have to leave an assembling because it is not moving forward in God. Then we should earnestly seek a church that is more fervent, one in which we can find the fellowship of fervent believers and in which we can be a blessing.

In our day a fervent assembling is not always easy to find. There is much frothy, ear-tickling preaching being conducted. We then have to pray that God will help us find some fervent Christians, or else conduct our own services at home. Sometimes we can find at least one other person or family who will gather with us. This is a last resort, but better than neglecting the assembling of Christians to pray, worship, and study the Word of God.

From what I am told, we must be in a spiritual drought in America.

If we are casual in church attendance, putting social events and vacations ahead of assembling with fervent believers, we will grow cold without realizing it. We will answer for our disobedience at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

We have to obey Christ when He speaks to us. I had a relative who told me the Lord spoke to him to give a certain amount of money to a pastor. He did not do this. I shuddered when I heard this. What is a person thinking of who would disobey the Lord of Glory? This disobedient individual is dead now.

Sometimes the Lord puts a call on our life for full-time service. If we are a young person, this may mean going to Bible school. For an older individual, it may mean giving up one’s vocation and trusting God for material needs.

There was an older person who attended Bible school with me. I believe she was at least sixty years of age. It seems when she was a young girl the Lord called her to the ministry. She did not obey.

She married and had a daughter. When the daughter was driving home one night she encountered a flatbed trailer parked in the middle of the road. Her car traveled under the flatbed and she was decapitated.

Now her mother was in Bible school.

If the mother had obeyed the Lord she would have had rich fruit to bring to the Master’s table. Instead she was attempting to eke out some measure of fruitfulness in her later years. What a loss for Christ! What a loss for humanity! What a loss for this disobedient girl! Sometimes the Lord will call us when we have one year remaining before we can collect our retirement income. We are to obey Christ instantly.

When the Lord called us to pastor the church in Poway we were in the middle of the school year. We left Fremont and came to Poway immediately with our two sons. We learned later that our coming right at that particular time was crucial.

To disobey the will of God is unthinkable. If we believe God has told us to do something, and we are not certain if it is God who is speaking, then we are to pray fervently until the door opens or closes. We cannot think our way through our confusion, we have to pray our way through. The Lord will give us wisdom if we ask Him.

When God tells us to do something, you can be sure there is an excellent reason behind His command. It will bring great blessing to the Kingdom of God and to us personally. God always knows what is best in every situation. But, as I stated, to disobey the will of God is unthinkable. This is deliberate sin. God will not excuse such disobedience. We shall suffer indescribable loss of inheritance and fellowship with God.

Also, we will not hear "Well done, good and faithful servant," at the Judgment Seat of Christ. To sum up: there are bondages of sin in our flesh. These we were born with. God is ready and willing to deliver us from every bondage if we will follow the prompting of His Holy Spirit each day. Release from the bondages of sin comes as we obey Christ’s commandments and strive to please Him with our behavior.

It is the Father’s good pleasure to forgive and release His children.

But let not that careless, disobedient Christian imagine he or she is going to be caught up in a "rapture" and rule with Christ over the nations. Such is our Evangelical mythology, but that is all it is. A simple reading of the four Gospel accounts will reveal how the disobedient servants of Christ will be treated when they are called to account for their behavior.

The tremendous lie of the "state of grace" in which God does not see our behavior but brings us to Paradise by a sovereign decision is the prevailing belief among Gentiles. It is as great a lie as could be manufactured in the recesses of Hell. It has destroyed the spiritual-moral strength of the believers in America.

It is our hope the generation now growing up will come to perceive the unscriptural fallacy that our present teaching is and thrust it aside. The young people must press forward into righteous behavior; and as they do their eyes will be opened to the truth of the Scriptures. The question remains: what about the believer who knowingly, willfully disobeys God, and then repents. Can he or she be saved from destruction?

If a believer acts defiantly against the Lord, the Lord in His love and mercy will send severe chastening on the individual. If the individual yields and returns to the Lord, the Lord will make it possible for him or her to enter the new age of righteousness. But there may be some eternal loss of inheritance.

However, if after having been severely chastened the individual continues in his or her rebellious ways, there will come a time when there is no turning back. The person has chosen to become the enemy of God. The fiery judgments have not succeeding in saving him from his rebellion. He shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire and spend eternity with his father, Satan.

God will have no more rebellions. No defiant individual will be allowed to bring chaos into the new world of righteousness. That servant who knows his master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. (Luke 12:47)

If in spite of these things you do not accept my correction but continue to be hostile toward me, I myself will be hostile toward you and will afflict you for your sins seven times over. (Leviticus 26:23,24)

And they will go out and look upon the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; their worm will not die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind. (Isaiah 66:24)