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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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In 1486 A.D. Johann Pruss of Strasbourg, France,a member of the catholic Denomination,
1486 A.D.
Johann Pruss of Strasbourg, France,a member of the catholic Denomination,
ADDED his own
ADDED his own
Line 8: Line 6:
" New Testament "  Title Page,  to God's perfect Word.(In between the books of Malachi and Matthew)
" New Testament "  Title Page,  to God's perfect Word.(In between the books of Malachi and Matthew)
And for years this terrible mistake has been causing people to divide the Bible in the WRONG  PLACE.
And for years this terrible mistake has been causing people to divide the Bible in the '''WRONG  PLACE.'''
And  " YES "  this absolutely affects True Bible Doctrine.
And  '''" YES "'''   this absolutely affects True Bible Doctrine.
And  " YES "  this is proven very easily by God's Word.
And  '''" YES "'''   this is proven very easily by God's Word.
Go tell your friends and save them years of Bible Study.
Go tell your friends and save them years of Bible Study.
The Bible clearly states that Christians must not be bound by OLD Covenant Scripture.
The Bible clearly states that Christians must not be bound by OLD Covenant Scripture.<br/>
And the Bible also clearly states that it's a  SIN  to be bound by OLD Covenant Scripture. (Romans 7:4 and Galatians 5:4)
And the Bible also clearly states that it's a  SIN  to be bound by OLD Covenant Scripture. (Romans 7:4 and Galatians 5:4)
So don't  be  mislead, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are NOT within God's New Covenant  !
So don't  be  mislead, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are NOT within God's New Covenant  !
Here's your proof in 23  FACTS.
'''Here's your proof in 23  FACTS.'''
(If you feel you can refute them we would love to hear from you.)
(If you feel you can refute them we would love to hear from you.)
Line 31: Line 30:
His  "New"  Covenant.
His  "New"  Covenant.
Well this is undeniably FALSE.
'''Well this is undeniably FALSE.'''
The Bible plainly declares that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are absolutely in the same category as Genesis to Malachi = God's Old Testament.
The Bible plainly declares that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are absolutely in the same category as Genesis to Malachi = God's Old Testament.
Line 103: Line 102:
Matthew 5:17  Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Matthew 5:17  Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
20.    Even though Jesus was full of Grace, and Grace is the most prominent subject in all of God's Word after the Cross,never does Jesus ever use the word Grace before the cross.
20.    Even though Jesus was full of Grace, and Grace is the most prominent subject in all of God's Word after the Cross,never does Jesus ever use the word Grace before the cross.<br/>
21.    God's Old Covenant ended the moment He died on the Cross.  Then for the next 50 days God did not posses any Covenant between Himself and Man.  On the 50th Day after Passover, the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out and the Apostle Peter then opened God's last Eternal Kingdom with the Acts 2:38 keys that Jesus gave him.  And the church and God's New Covenant with man began.
21.    God's Old Covenant ended the moment He died on the Cross.  Then for the next 50 days God did not posses any Covenant between Himself and Man.  On the 50th Day after Passover, the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out and the Apostle Peter then opened God's last Eternal Kingdom with the Acts 2:38 keys that Jesus gave him.  And the church and God's New Covenant with man began.
22.    The following parallel is  MOST  IMPORTANT.
22.    The following parallel is  MOST  IMPORTANT.<br/>
Be sure to understand it completely.
Be sure to understand it completely.
(A) The first Passover happened when Israel left Egypt.
(A) The first Passover happened when Israel left Egypt.<br/>
(B) Lambs were sacrificed, and then,
(B) Lambs were sacrificed, and then,<br/>
(C) 10 days later, Moses (King Father's Prophet),
(C) 10 days later, Moses (King Father's Prophet),<br/>
(D) Spent 40 days with God on Mount Sinai.
(D) Spent 40 days with God on Mount Sinai.<br/>
(E) And during these 40 days,  for the very first time ever,  he received from the Father,
(E) And during these 40 days,  for the very first time ever,  he received from the Father,<br/>
(F) The Sinai Old Covenant Law of Moses.
(F) The Sinai Old Covenant Law of Moses.<br/>
(G) Then on the Day of Pentecost (50 days after Passover),
(G) Then on the Day of Pentecost (50 days after Passover),<br/>
(H) Moses (God's Prophet) gave God's Law to the people,
(H) Moses (God's Prophet) gave God's Law to the people,<br/>
(I)  And this Law originated from the King occupying the Throne of Heaven,
(I)  And this Law originated from the King occupying the Throne of Heaven,<br/>
(J) The King (Father) who had ALL authority in Heaven and on earth.
(J) The King (Father) who had ALL authority in Heaven and on earth.<br/>
Now ask yourself, Did God give Moses  any part  of the Sinai Covenant Law to give to the people  " prior "  to this 40 days and this very  " first "  Pentecost ?
Now ask yourself, Did God give Moses  any part  of the Sinai Covenant Law to give to the people  " prior "  to this 40 days and this very  " first "  Pentecost ?
Hint =  No.
Hint =  No.<br/>
Let's continue as we match the letters.
Let's continue as we match the letters.<br/>
1490 years later, Jesus the Messiah of Israel was crucified at;
1490 years later, Jesus the Messiah of Israel was crucified at;

Latest revision as of 12:58, 16 February 2011

In 1486 A.D. Johann Pruss of Strasbourg, France,a member of the catholic Denomination,

ADDED his own

UN - authorized (against God's will) " New Testament " Title Page, to God's perfect Word.(In between the books of Malachi and Matthew)

And for years this terrible mistake has been causing people to divide the Bible in the WRONG PLACE.

And " YES " this absolutely affects True Bible Doctrine.

And " YES " this is proven very easily by God's Word.

Go tell your friends and save them years of Bible Study.

The Bible clearly states that Christians must not be bound by OLD Covenant Scripture.
And the Bible also clearly states that it's a SIN to be bound by OLD Covenant Scripture. (Romans 7:4 and Galatians 5:4)

So don't be mislead, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are NOT within God's New Covenant  !

Here's your proof in 23 FACTS.

(If you feel you can refute them we would love to hear from you.)

(MMLJBC = Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Before the Cross)

1. In 1486 a.d. Johann Pruss of Strasbourg, France, a member of the catholic Denomination "added" his own tainted assumption, he added his own MIS -understanding to God's Perfect Word. Against God's will Mr. Pruss placed an UN - authorized "New Testament" Title Page in between the books of Malachi and Matthew.

Then for the next 522 years this tragic mistake has been causing people to believe that Christ's words in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are Jesus giving His "New" Covenant.

Well this is undeniably FALSE.

The Bible plainly declares that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are absolutely in the same category as Genesis to Malachi = God's Old Testament.

If you study you will see. God's Old Covenant has been given to us only for our learning (Romans 15:4). And God's Old Covenant is not to be enforced by Christians as New Covenant Law.

The Bible plainly declares that it's a SIN (Romans 7:4 and Galatians 5:4) to hold to God's Old Covenant over Jesus Christ's New Covenant which = Acts chapter 2 → Revelation chapter 22.

And Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are without question, the four "LAST" books of God's Old Testament.

2. Every Single word that Jesus spoke before the cross were the words of His Father. Not one single word that Jesus spoke before the Cross was His own. Before the Cross, Jesus was an Old Covenant Prophet. John 14:24 "These words you hear are not my own, are not my own , are not my own , they belong to the Father who sent me." Prophets only spoke the words of the One who sent them.

3. And Jesus was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of Israel.

Matthew 15:24 "I was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of Israel."

Jesus was an Old Covenant Prophet sent by the Father only to the lost sheep of Israel. He was not a New Covenant Prophet or Evangelist sent to the New Covenant church. It was the Apostles, the 12 New Covenant Prophets of Jesus, who were sent by Jesus Himself to the church. This is why Acts 2:42 declares that the church continued steadfastly in the Apostles' Doctrine.

4. Only a KING on the Throne of Heaven can "originate" Covenant Law. Jesus was not on His New Covenant Throne, nor was He King of His New Covenant Kingdom prior to the Cross. Jesus only became the New Covenant King after He ascended into Heaven and offered His perfect Bodily sacrifice to His Father. King Jesus only became the author of HIS New Covenantfrom His ALL Authority Throne in Heaven and only then did He reveal it directly to His Apostles which included the Apostle Paul.

Galatians 1:11 "I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, rather I received it by revelation (from Heaven) from Jesus Christ."

5. Before the Cross, the Father was the Law making King on the Throne of Heaven. Jesus was His Last Old CovenantProphet. Jesus (God) chose to leave Heaven and submit completely to the role of an Old Covenant Prophet. Therefore prior to His Crucifixion, and prior to Jesus becoming the New Covenant King on the Throne of Heaven, Jesus the Old Covenant Prophet Could Not give upcoming New Covenant Law.

It's as simple as that.

Old Covenant Prophets could only uphold the Covenant that they themselves were under. Jesus chose to be bound under the Father's Old Covenant. Plain Biblical fact.

6. Jesus was physically born an earthly (Old Covenant) King of the Jews, on the Throne of David. After His Death, Burial, and Resurrection, Jesus became a Heavenly (New Covenant) King of His church, on the Throne of Heaven.

7. The book of Malachi was not the end of the Old Testament. The Jews practiced Temple worship, Animal sacrifices, and keeping the Law of Moses for 450 years after the Book of Malachi.

8. Under the Old Covenant Jesus was Led by the Spirit. But totally opposite, under the New Covenant Jesus Directs the Holy Spirit. That is why Jesus could not send the Spirit to the Apostles until He became King. He was an Old Covenant Prophet being led by the Spirit. Prophets cannot originate Law of an Upcoming New Covenant, they can only uphold and speak the laws of the Covenant that they are under.

John 16:7 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, (and offer my sinless body to the Father and then become King and be given ALL authority so as to be able to direct the Holy Spirit) the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.

9. Over 100 times in MMLJBC Jesus makes reference to God's Old Covenant. Not one single time does Jesus ever state that He was giving New Covenant Law.

10. The Father is the King upholding His Old Covenant prior to the Cross, Jesus was His last Prophet. Luke 13:33 In any case, I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day, for surely no Prophet can die outside Jerusalem !

11. Jesus was born King (of His Old Covenant Messianic Kingdom) of the Jews (Matthew 2:2)

He did not become king of His last eternal kingdom (the church) until He offered His Body to the Father enabling Him to obtain ALL authority in Heaven and on Earth and so institute His New Covenant.

12. Jesus and John the Baptist were not baptizing sinners into a New Covenant relationship with God. They were baptizing Israelites into Christ's Old Covenant Messianic Kingdom. And that Kingdom ended at the Cross.

Romans 9:27 Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be set apart (saved). 28 For the Lord will carry out His sentence on earth with speed and finality.

13. Every Single word up to (Matthew 27:50) (Mark 15:37) (Luke 23:46) (John 19:30) was Nailed to the Cross ! ! by Jesus Christ the Messiah.

Colossians 2:14 Having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us, He took it away, nailing it to the cross.

14. Jesus was not a New Covenant Evangelist. For He had definitely returned to Heaven before the church ever began on the Day of Pentecost, 50 days after He was crucified.

15. When revealing New Covenant Doctrine in Acts 2 through Revelation 22, neither Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, nor the Apostles, nor any of the Writers of the Epistles ever quote Jesus giving New Covenant Law that Jesus spoke to them in the Gospels. Not one single quote !

16. In order for there to be a change in the Law, there had to be a change in the Priesthood. Jesus did not become High Priest of His New Covenant Kingdom until He was Resurrected from the dead. If Jesus, before the Cross, had given New Covenant Law, there would have been no New High Priest to Mediate it.

17. The New Covenant, and the Kingdom it is bound to, began on the Day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 - Revelation 22. Jeremiah 31:31 "The time is coming," declares the Lord, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them," declares the Lord. "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declares the Lord. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.

I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the Lord. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." (the church)(from Pentecost on) Daniel 2:44 "In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a Kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever." (the church)(from Pentecost on)

18. The New Covenant existed before the foundation of the world (John 1:1). Hence Wills are written prior to a persons death. For Jesus to have given "just some" of His New Will in the Gospels would have only been a partial Will. Because according to those who do not Rightly Divide God's Covenants, only 1/4 of the New Covenant was written before Christ's death and 3/4 was written after His death. Such a Will would never stand up in court.

19. Jesus said that he came to Israel to fulfill the Law of Moses, not to reveal New Covenant Doctrine. Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

20. Even though Jesus was full of Grace, and Grace is the most prominent subject in all of God's Word after the Cross,never does Jesus ever use the word Grace before the cross.

21. God's Old Covenant ended the moment He died on the Cross. Then for the next 50 days God did not posses any Covenant between Himself and Man. On the 50th Day after Passover, the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out and the Apostle Peter then opened God's last Eternal Kingdom with the Acts 2:38 keys that Jesus gave him. And the church and God's New Covenant with man began.

22. The following parallel is MOST IMPORTANT.
Be sure to understand it completely.

(A) The first Passover happened when Israel left Egypt.
(B) Lambs were sacrificed, and then,
(C) 10 days later, Moses (King Father's Prophet),
(D) Spent 40 days with God on Mount Sinai.
(E) And during these 40 days, for the very first time ever, he received from the Father,
(F) The Sinai Old Covenant Law of Moses.
(G) Then on the Day of Pentecost (50 days after Passover),
(H) Moses (God's Prophet) gave God's Law to the people,
(I) And this Law originated from the King occupying the Throne of Heaven,
(J) The King (Father) who had ALL authority in Heaven and on earth.

Now ask yourself, Did God give Moses any part of the Sinai Covenant Law to give to the people " prior " to this 40 days and this very " first " Pentecost ?

Hint = No.

Let's continue as we match the letters.

1490 years later, Jesus the Messiah of Israel was crucified at;

(A) The last Passover,

(A) The first Passover happened when Israel left Egypt.

(B) Where He became our sacrificial Lamb, then,

(B) Lambs were sacrificed, and then,

(C) 10 days later, the Apostles (King Jesus' Prophets),

(C) 10 days, later Moses (King Father's Prophet),

(D) Spent 40 days with Jesus near Jerusalem,

(D) Spent 40 days with God on Mount Sinai.

(E) And during these 40 days, for the very first time ever, they received from Jesus,

(E) And during these 40 days, for the very first time ever, he received from the Father,

(F) The " NEW " church Covenant Law of Christ.

(F) The Sinai Old Covenant Law of Moses.

(G) Then on the Day of Pentecost (50 days after Passover),

(G) Then on the Day of Pentecost (50 days after Passover),

(H) The Apostles (Jesus' Prophets) gave God's Law to the people,

(H) Moses (God's Prophet) gave God's Law to the people,

(I) And this Law originated from the King occupying the Throne of Heaven,

(I) And this Law originated from the King occupying the Throne of Heaven,

(J) The King (Jesus) who " NOW " has ALL authority in Heaven and on earth.

(J) The King (Father) who had ALL authority in Heaven and on earth.

VERY IMPORTANT Now ask yourself this, Did Jesus give the Apostles (or anyone !) any part of " His " New church Covenant Law prior to these 40 days and God's very last Pentecost ?

Of course the answer = No No No.

The Gospels are not part of God's New Covenant  ! !

(J) The King (Jesus) who " NOW " has ALL authority in Heaven and on earth.

(J) The King (Father) who had ALL authority in Heaven and on earth.

Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

Two cannot have all authority at the same time. If you're holding to the Father's Old Covenant (the Gospels) over Christ's New Covenant = (Acts 2 - Revelation 22)

You're desecrating the Son's authority.

Not one single verse from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is binding "New" Covenant Law, unless it's repeated in Acts 2 - Revelation 22.

Plain Biblical Fact.

23. Jesus cannot violate His own "Jars of Clay" Doctrine. It was impossible for Jesus to reveal His New Covenant in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. It was impossible for Jesus to reveal His NEW Covenant to anyone besides His Apostles because if He did, He would have violated His own "Jars of Clay" Doctrine.

THE MYSTERY 1. Romans 16:25 The Mystery is the Gospel and the fact that it would be given to the Gentiles.

2. Ephesians 3:3 The Mystery was made known to Paul by revelation.

3. Galatians 1:11 Paul did not receive the Gospel from any source other than directly by revelation from Jesus Christ in Heaven

4. 2Corinthians 4:7 Jesus said that the Mystery would be delivered through ‘Earthen Vessels’ or ‘Jars of Clay’ that meaning human men and women only.

5. In the OLD Covenant God used Angels, the Spirit, and God Himself to give His Good News to His people. An angel gave a message to Gideon, to Abraham, and to Mary. But in the New Covenant this could not happen because Jesus has declared that His Mystery would be given through ‘Jars of Clay’.

6. Why didn’t the Angel that spoke to Cornelius give him the Gospel ? No, instead He went to a lot of trouble to get Peter to do it.

7. Why didn’t the Spirit speak to the Ethiopian Eunuch and give him the Gospel ? No, instead He went to a lot of trouble to bring Philip approximately 60 miles to do it.

8. Why didn’t God Himself (Jesus) who appeared to Saul give him the Gospel ? No, instead He went to a lot of trouble to send him to Ananias to do it.

9. The Gospel is the Mysterious Treasure that is dispensed not by Angels, not by the Spirit, and not even by God Himself, but only by ordinary Christians who choose to share it. The New Covenant is shared by ‘Earthen Vessels’ or ‘Jars of Clay’. Just like Paul tells Timothy, 2Timothy 1:14 Through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, guard the Treasure which has been entrusted to you.

Jesus could not violate His own Doctrine of the Mystery entrusted to Jars of Clay. In other words, He could not give any part of His New Covenant to anyone besides His Apostles. And that is EXACTLY what He did during (and only during) the last 40 days that He was with His Apostles, after the Cross. (Be sure to see this link Timeline)

That is why Acts 2:42 declares that they devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching. Not to Jesus’ teaching. They devoted themselves to the New Covenant that the Apostles received from Jesus "only" during the 40 days that Jesus spent with them prior to His ascension. The teaching that only the Apostles had received.

Not what the people in the Gospels had heard Jesus speak.(once more)

Not what the people in the Gospels had heard Jesus speak.(Unless it has been restated in Acts 2 - Revelation 22)

And that teaching was King Jesus Christ's "New" Covenant to the church.

The Covenant that Jesus was able to author after He was made King. The same Covenant that Paul later received directly by revelation from Jesus Christ in Heaven.

Galatians 1:11 "I want you to know brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, rather I received it by Revelation from Jesus Christ (from Heaven).

Don't fall from Grace Galatians 5:4 You who are trying to be justified by (the) Law (of Moses) (Exodus 19:5 to John 19:30) have been alienated from Christ, you have fallen from Grace.

And don't be a Spiritual Adulterer Romans 7:4 So my brothers, you also died to the Law (of Moses) (Exodus 19:5 to John 19:30) through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to Him who was raised from the dead.

For if you uphold the Father's Old Covenant over the Messiah's New Covenant You in fact denounce your marriage to Christ.

Be sure to have a close and thorough look at OBJECTIONS REFUTED

If you feel that you are able to refute these facts, then please email your refutes to us. If you can't refute them then click on this link Rightly Divided(You really need to get this book)

And read it over two times and then start fighting for the TRUE DOCTRINE of the church that Jesus Christ revealed from Heaven.

Go tell your friends and save them years of Bible Study

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