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1 Frotterusim is the act of deriving sexual  pleasure from intentionally rubbing against and/or touching a non-consenting  person.<br>
1 Frotterusim is the act of deriving sexual  pleasure from intentionally rubbing against and/or touching a non-consenting  person.<br>
<"http://carm.org/questions-homosexuals#footnoteref2_0tsxa62">2.<br><br>Voyeurism  is act of deriving sexual pleasure from watching another person undress and/or  participate in sexual activity.<br><br>
<"http://carm.org/questions-homosexuals#footnoteref2_0tsxa62">2.<br><br>Voyeurism  is act of deriving sexual pleasure from watching another person undress and/or  participate in sexual activity.<br><br>
Christian Apologetics &amp; Research Ministry © Matthew J. Slick, 1995  - 2011<br><br>
<strong>Questions for homosexuals -  and those who approve of it</strong><br>
<a href="http://carm.org/matt-slick">by  Matt Slick<br><br><br><br>
<li><strong>GENETIC  HOMOSEXUALITY:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>If  heterosexual behaviour produces offspring and homosexual behaviour does not,  then how can it be said that homosexuals are born that way since their genetic  tendencies would have died out long ago through natural selection?</li><br>
<li><strong>GENETIC  HOMOSEXUALITY:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>If sexual  orientation is a genetic predisposition and the homosexual community wants  cultural and social support since, as they say, &quot;they are born that  way,&quot; then shouldn't they also support &ldquo;homophobia&rdquo; since it could be  legitimately argued that homophobes are born with heterosexual-orientation and  possess a natural aversion to homosexuality?</li><br>
<li><strong>GENETIC  HOMOSEXUALITY:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>If heterosexual  behaviour produces offspring and homosexual behaviour does not, then doesn't it  make sense to say that homosexuality is a learned behaviour since the  implication is that pro-homosexual genes would have been wiped out generations  ago?</li><br>
<li><strong>GENETIC  HOMOSEXUALITY:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>If this is  not the case, can you please explain the mechanism by which &ldquo;homosexual genes&rdquo;  aid in survivability and are then passed on to descendants?</li><br>
<li><strong>GENETIC  PEDOPHILIA:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>If genetic  predisposition is used as a support for stating that homosexual behavior is  morally okay (because they are born that way), then shouldn&rsquo;t paedophilia  behaviour also be considered morally okay since they claim they were born that  way?</li><br>
<li><strong>GENETIC  PEDOPHILIA:&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;If paedophiles  are morally wrong because they violate the wishes and will of the younger  individuals, then at what age is a person too young to engage in sexual  activity in accordance with his or her natural predisposition (i.e., being born  that way)?</li><br>
<li><strong>CONSENT:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>In light of being born with a sexual orientation  (like homosexuality, frotteurism<a href="http://carm.org/questions-homosexuals#footnote1_uqap1cd" title="Frotterusim is the act of deriving sexual pleasure from    intentionally rubbing against and/or touching a non-consenting  person.">1<br><br>, voyeurism<a href="http://carm.org/questions-homosexuals#footnote2_0tsxa62" title="Voyeurism  is    act of deriving sexual  pleasure from watching another person undress    and/or participate in  sexual activity.">2<br><br>), if paedophiles are morally wrong because they are acting out their  sexual orientation upon minors who are not mature enough to consent, then what  do you do when minors become mature enough to consent and also claim they are  born wanting a sexual relationship with an older person?</li><br>
<li><strong>CONSENT</strong>:&nbsp; If what is sexually permissible is what is  based on consent, then what do you do with with younger-than-18 adolescents who  consent to having sex with much older people?&nbsp; Is it okay?</li><br>
<li><strong>MORAL  STANDARD</strong>:&nbsp; From where do  homosexuals get their moral standard by which they can judge what is sexually  right and wrong?</li><br>
<li><strong>MORAL STANDARD SOCIETY</strong>:&nbsp; If homosexuals derive their standard of  morality from society, then what justifies the idea that society is the proper  place to obtain a standard of morality?</li><br>
<li><strong>MORAL STANDARD SOCIETY</strong>:&nbsp; If homosexuals derive their standard of  morality from society, then which society has the right moral system if it  contradicts another?</li><br>
<li><strong>MORAL STANDARD SOCIETY</strong>:&nbsp; If homosexuals derive their standard of  morality from society, then are the morals derived from society obligatory to  all members of society?</li><br>
<li><strong>MORAL STANDARD SOCIETY</strong>:&nbsp; If homosexuals derive their standard of  morality from society, then what gives them the moral right to change society's  morals when the majority condemn homosexuality as morally wrong?</li><br>
<li><strong>MORAL STANDARD PERSONAL</strong>:&nbsp; If homosexuals derive their standard of  morality from themselves, then do they have the right to judge the morals of  anyone else, including those who disagree with them?</li><br>
<li><strong>MORAL STANDARD PERSONAL</strong>:&nbsp; If homosexuals derive their standard of morality  from themselves, then do they have the right to condemn those whom they label  &quot;homophobes&quot; when they are just expressing their personal moral  preference?</li><br>
<li><strong>MORAL STANDARD PERSONAL</strong>:&nbsp; If homosexuals say that  &quot;homophobes&quot; are wrong because they want to restrict homosexuals'  rights and impose their values on them, then what gives the homosexuals the  right to impose their sexual values on others?</li><br>
<li><strong>MORAL STANDARD PERSONAL</strong>:&nbsp; If homosexuals derive their standard of  morality from themselves, then do they have the right to try and change society  to suit their own moral preferences?</li><br>
<li><strong>MORAL STANDARD PERSONAL</strong>:&nbsp; If homosexuals derive their standard of  morality from themselves, and they also believe they have the right to try and  change society to suit their own moral preferences, then how is that not  arrogant?</li><br>
<li><strong>CIVIL RIGHTS</strong>:&nbsp; If civil rights should be granted to  homosexuals because of their sexual orientation (i.e., sexual behaviour), then  shouldn't equal civil rights be granted to those of Alternate Sexual  Orientations (ASO) such as paedophilia, incest, voyeurism, exhibitionism,  sadism, fetishes, frotteurism, necrophilia, autoerotic asphyxiation,  etc.?&nbsp; If not, why not?</li><br>
<li><strong>CIVIL RIGHTS</strong>: If civil rights should be granted to homosexuals  based specifically on their sexual orientation (behaviour), then shouldn't  equal civil rights also be granted to heterosexuals based specifically on their  sexual orientation (behaviour)?&nbsp; If not, why not?</li><br>
<li><strong>CIVIL RIGHTS:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>If equal civil rights should not be granted to  people of Alternate Sexual Orientations (excluding homosexual behaviour), then  what is it about homosexuality that deserves special status protection where  other sexual behaviours do not?</li><br>
<li><strong>CIVIL RIGHTS</strong>:&nbsp; If homosexuals are granted privileges due  to civil unions and domestic partnerships, shouldn't the same be offered to  heterosexuals?</li><br>
<li><strong>FAIRNESS:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Shouldn&rsquo;t an equal amount of  sexual-orientation-promotion be offered to people of Alternate Sexual  Orientations (i.e., paedophilia, incest, necrophilia, autoerotic asphyxiation)  such that they are also promoted in parades, schools, movies, sitcoms,  magazines, schools, etc.? If not, why not?</li><br>
<li><strong>FAIRNESS:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Would you, if you are pro-homosexual in practice  and/or ideology, promote and support heterosexual parades, heterosexual  oriented TV, and overt heterosexual appreciation and promotions in school  classrooms – the same as is occurring with homosexuality? If not, why not?</li><br>
<li><strong>FAIRNESS:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>If being intolerant of homosexuality is somehow  wrong, then why are the homosexuals not wrong when they express their intolerance  of those who disapprove of homosexuality?</li><br>
<li><strong>FAIRNESS:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Isn't it hypocritical to say that homosexuals want  tolerance for everyone, but at the same time they practice intolerance of the  those who disagree with their behaviour?</li><br>
<li><strong>FAIRNESS:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>If homosexuals want tolerance, then when they try  and change the rest of society's views about homosexuality, aren't they  demonstrating their intolerance of the majority position?&nbsp;</li><br>
<li><strong>FAIRNESS:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>If you affirm that it is okay for homosexuals to  show their intolerance for the majority view against homosexuality by trying to  change the rest of society's view to conform to their own, then shouldn't it be  okay for the majority to try and change the moral view of the homosexuals and  have them conform to the majority?</li><br>
1 Frotterusim is the act of deriving sexual  pleasure from intentionally rubbing against and/or touching a non-consenting  person.<br>
<a href="http://carm.org/questions-homosexuals#footnoteref2_0tsxa62">2.<br><br>Voyeurism  is act of deriving sexual pleasure from watching another person undress and/or  participate in sexual activity.<br><br>
Christian Apologetics &amp; Research Ministry © Matthew J. Slick, 1995  - 2011<br><br>
Christian Apologetics &amp; Research Ministry © Matthew J. Slick, 1995  - 2011<br><br>

Revision as of 17:28, 25 March 2015

Questions for homosexuals - and those who approve of it
<"http://carm.org/matt-slick">by Matt Slick

  1. GENETIC HOMOSEXUALITY:  If heterosexual behaviour produces offspring and homosexual behaviour does not, then how can it be said that homosexuals are born that way since their genetic tendencies would have died out long ago through natural selection?

  2. GENETIC HOMOSEXUALITY:  If sexual orientation is a genetic predisposition and the homosexual community wants cultural and social support since, as they say, "they are born that way," then shouldn't they also support “homophobia” since it could be legitimately argued that homophobes are born with heterosexual-orientation and possess a natural aversion to homosexuality?

  3. GENETIC HOMOSEXUALITY:  If heterosexual behaviour produces offspring and homosexual behaviour does not, then doesn't it make sense to say that homosexuality is a learned behaviour since the implication is that pro-homosexual genes would have been wiped out generations ago?

  4. GENETIC HOMOSEXUALITY:  If this is not the case, can you please explain the mechanism by which “homosexual genes” aid in survivability and are then passed on to descendants?

  5. GENETIC PEDOPHILIA:  If genetic predisposition is used as a support for stating that homosexual behavior is morally okay (because they are born that way), then shouldn’t paedophilia behaviour also be considered morally okay since they claim they were born that way?

  6. GENETIC PEDOPHILIA:  If paedophiles are morally wrong because they violate the wishes and will of the younger individuals, then at what age is a person too young to engage in sexual activity in accordance with his or her natural predisposition (i.e., being born that way)?

  7. CONSENT:  In light of being born with a sexual orientation (like homosexuality, frotteurism<"http://carm.org/questions-homosexuals#footnote1_uqap1cd" title="Frotterusim is the act of deriving sexual pleasure from intentionally rubbing against and/or touching a non-consenting person.">1

    , voyeurism<"http://carm.org/questions-homosexuals#footnote2_0tsxa62" title="Voyeurism is act of deriving sexual pleasure from watching another person undress and/or participate in sexual activity.">2

    ), if paedophiles are morally wrong because they are acting out their sexual orientation upon minors who are not mature enough to consent, then what do you do when minors become mature enough to consent and also claim they are born wanting a sexual relationship with an older person?

  8. CONSENT:  If what is sexually permissible is what is based on consent, then what do you do with with younger-than-18 adolescents who consent to having sex with much older people?  Is it okay?

  9. MORAL STANDARD:  From where do homosexuals get their moral standard by which they can judge what is sexually right and wrong?

  10. MORAL STANDARD SOCIETY:  If homosexuals derive their standard of morality from society, then what justifies the idea that society is the proper place to obtain a standard of morality?

  11. MORAL STANDARD SOCIETY:  If homosexuals derive their standard of morality from society, then which society has the right moral system if it contradicts another?

  12. MORAL STANDARD SOCIETY:  If homosexuals derive their standard of morality from society, then are the morals derived from society obligatory to all members of society?

  13. MORAL STANDARD SOCIETY:  If homosexuals derive their standard of morality from society, then what gives them the moral right to change society's morals when the majority condemn homosexuality as morally wrong?

  14. MORAL STANDARD PERSONAL:  If homosexuals derive their standard of morality from themselves, then do they have the right to judge the morals of anyone else, including those who disagree with them?

  15. MORAL STANDARD PERSONAL:  If homosexuals derive their standard of morality from themselves, then do they have the right to condemn those whom they label "homophobes" when they are just expressing their personal moral preference?

  16. MORAL STANDARD PERSONAL:  If homosexuals say that "homophobes" are wrong because they want to restrict homosexuals' rights and impose their values on them, then what gives the homosexuals the right to impose their sexual values on others?

  17. MORAL STANDARD PERSONAL:  If homosexuals derive their standard of morality from themselves, then do they have the right to try and change society to suit their own moral preferences?

  18. MORAL STANDARD PERSONAL:  If homosexuals derive their standard of morality from themselves, and they also believe they have the right to try and change society to suit their own moral preferences, then how is that not arrogant?

  19. CIVIL RIGHTS:  If civil rights should be granted to homosexuals because of their sexual orientation (i.e., sexual behaviour), then shouldn't equal civil rights be granted to those of Alternate Sexual Orientations (ASO) such as paedophilia, incest, voyeurism, exhibitionism, sadism, fetishes, frotteurism, necrophilia, autoerotic asphyxiation, etc.?  If not, why not?

  20. CIVIL RIGHTS: If civil rights should be granted to homosexuals based specifically on their sexual orientation (behaviour), then shouldn't equal civil rights also be granted to heterosexuals based specifically on their sexual orientation (behaviour)?  If not, why not?

  21. CIVIL RIGHTS:  If equal civil rights should not be granted to people of Alternate Sexual Orientations (excluding homosexual behaviour), then what is it about homosexuality that deserves special status protection where other sexual behaviours do not?

  22. CIVIL RIGHTS:  If homosexuals are granted privileges due to civil unions and domestic partnerships, shouldn't the same be offered to heterosexuals?

  23. FAIRNESS:  Shouldn’t an equal amount of sexual-orientation-promotion be offered to people of Alternate Sexual Orientations (i.e., paedophilia, incest, necrophilia, autoerotic asphyxiation) such that they are also promoted in parades, schools, movies, sitcoms, magazines, schools, etc.? If not, why not?

  24. FAIRNESS:  Would you, if you are pro-homosexual in practice and/or ideology, promote and support heterosexual parades, heterosexual oriented TV, and overt heterosexual appreciation and promotions in school classrooms – the same as is occurring with homosexuality? If not, why not?

  25. FAIRNESS:  If being intolerant of homosexuality is somehow wrong, then why are the homosexuals not wrong when they express their intolerance of those who disapprove of homosexuality?

  26. FAIRNESS:  Isn't it hypocritical to say that homosexuals want tolerance for everyone, but at the same time they practice intolerance of the those who disagree with their behaviour?

  27. FAIRNESS:  If homosexuals want tolerance, then when they try and change the rest of society's views about homosexuality, aren't they demonstrating their intolerance of the majority position? 

  28. FAIRNESS:  If you affirm that it is okay for homosexuals to show their intolerance for the majority view against homosexuality by trying to change the rest of society's view to conform to their own, then shouldn't it be okay for the majority to try and change the moral view of the homosexuals and have them conform to the majority?

1 Frotterusim is the act of deriving sexual pleasure from intentionally rubbing against and/or touching a non-consenting person.

Voyeurism is act of deriving sexual pleasure from watching another person undress and/or participate in sexual activity.

Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry © Matthew J. Slick, 1995 - 2011